25 Chicken wings and a bottle of Pinot- 24

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Sophie POV

After sleeping most of the day yesterday I struggled to sleep last night. My thoughts kept drifting to the other side of the wall where Matt would be lay. I didn't trust myself enough to share a room with him and sending those mixed messages wouldn't have been fair.

I'm determined to blame these feelings on hormones but finding him irresistible was an issue before I had a baby in me, in fact it's how I got a baby in me...

I'm doing the right thing though aren't I? I want him to be here, to be involved, but as it stands I only have his word and newspapers which could have been wrong that he is innocent.

By the time I drag myself out of bed I feel like a warmed up corpse, I am really not in the mood to go out for a meal tonight, but I am even less in a mood to cook for everyone and since 'Canossa's can't cook' this is the lesser of the evils.

I would cancel but Lili is flying home tomorrow, something came up apparently. I suspect that 'something' was Matt guilt tripping her into leaving us alone together. He's only been here for a day and he's already fully taken over Lili's room.

"We have a reservation for Canossa," Matt informs the hostess.

"Canossa, party of four? The rest of your party has arrived, If you'd like to follow me" she says, weaving her way through the tables.

"Four? Who else is coming?" I ask Matt, my question answered when I spot Nico sitting beside Lili. "Nico! You're here? Why didn't you say?" I ask Matt.

"Because apparently I am easily forgotten!" Nico scowls at Matt, standing to embrace me. "Congrats on the baby, do you know what it is yet?" Nico asks, deliberately turning away from Matt.

"No, not yet" I reply, feeling a little awkward. The tension between Matt and Nico could be cut with a knife. My eyes search for Lili's, hoping she can fix this.

"Get over it Nico, he didn't tell any of us for ages" she explains.

"Yeah but when he did tell you he still didn't bother telling me. He had a whole flight from Venice! We're supposed to be friends!" Nico huff's taking the seat beside her.

"Are you saying that you never keep secrets from Matt?" She asks, a small smile playing on her lips. Nico doesn't respond, but his cheeks definitely look pinker and suddenly he finds his napkin very interesting.

I raise my eyebrow at Lili, if something didn't happen between her and Nico last night then I'll eat my hat. I really need to get her alone before she leaves to ask.

"Hi I'm Elaine, I'll be your server today. Can I get you some menus and I'll be right back for your drink order" she smiles brightly.

I browse the menu casually, damn this place is fancy... I don't know what half the words on the menu even mean.

"Do you know what you would like?" Matt asks.

"Honestly? I'd like 25 chicken wings, and a bottle of pinot.... But I suppose I'll settle for the lasagne" I sigh.

"I know it's hard, but I appreciate what you are doing for our baby" Matt says, kissing the side of my head as the waitress returns, patronising much?

"Oh I know you appreciate it, that's why you aren't gonna drink alcohol or eat something that I can't. Are you?" I challenge him.

"OK, I won't drink" He agrees,

"Until the baby is born?" I suggest, trying to keep my face serious, I can see the smirk threatening my face mirrored on Lili's.

"Fine, if that's what you want" he concedes, to my surprise, as I was only joking.

"Whipped!" Nico fake coughs, causing Lili to snort, and Matt to scowl.

We place our orders with Elaine, Matt mimicking my order of lasagne and apple juice, and fall into easy conversation, my eyes following the frequent glances and light touches between Lili and Nico.

"Lili I'm going to the ladies, you wanna come?" I ask, with a pointed look as I rise to my feet. I hear the guys mutter something about women using the bathroom together as I lead the way across the restaurant.

The moment the restroom door closes I spin to face her.

"Ok spill!" I order a startled Lili, grinning.

"Wh-what!?" She splutters.

"You and Nico? Come on it's so obvious something happened!"

"It is? Shit does Matt know?" She asks worried.

"Please, men wouldn't know flirting if it slapped them in the face" I laugh, "so seriously, are you guys like a thing?" I ask, feeling like an excited school girl.

"We kissed" she squealed, "Then we spent the night together cuddling" she tells me with a dreamy look.

"Just cuddling?" I press.

"Yes, just cuddling" she rolls her eyes at my insinuation, "I'm not gonna just let a guy take my..." she trails off.

"Oh, you mean you've never?" I ask, her face turning scarlet as she gives a small nod.

"It's not like I never had the opportunity, but with a super religious Mama, and two scary protective brothers, I was always too nervous, I just never found the right guy"

"And do you think Nico's the right guy or right person I should say?"

"I have thought Nico is the one for me since I was eight years old" She sighs, I raise an eyebrow in question. "Nico's Mama was friends with ours, we used to spend the summers together, anyway one summer I fell out of a tree, and Nico was the one who helped me, wiped my eyes and carried me to my Papa. I felt like a princess and Nico was my knight in shining armour. I thought this is the person I'd like to marry one day, but Nico only ever saw me as Matty's little sister" she explains.

"Oh my days... that sounds like the start of an epic love story if I ever heard one!" I swoon, seriously these pregnancy hormones have turned me into such a girl!

"Soph, just do me a favour, don't mention this to Maddie. I don't want her getting excited if it's nothing. She's been shipping me and Nico for years." Lili chuckles at me turning to fix her makeup in the mirror.

"Well I hope she's taking on a crew because I'm totally on board with this ship" I laugh, "I promise I won't say anything" I agree, raising my hand in a mock scout's honour.

"Now let's get back out there, your niece or nephew is starving"

A/N @laniii24 making a little cameo as our server.


@chickenwings25 as our fantasy dish and chapter title because I can't make wings into a person 

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