Chapter 38- the first task

Start from the beginning

"Champions come with me. The task will be starting shortly, so I would like to get you all to the tents." Dumbledore spoke.
I stood up with Harry to leave but was suddenly in someone's arms.
"You'll do great love. I'll be watching. Just give it your best shot." Fred said.
"Yeah." I agreed, releasing myself and walking off.

Freds pov:
"Fred mate. She will be fine; she's the strongest person I know." Lee said.
"Yeah, she can handle herself, theres not a thing that stops that girl." George agreed.
I let out a shaky laugh, I think I was more nervous than Y/N.
"I think I'm going to miss out on the bets today George. I need to go and sit down, clear my head a little." I said, turning around to begin to walk to my seat.

"Aww, is Freddie worried about his girlfriend." A voice said, sniggers came from Lee and George.
"Bill." I said. "What you doing here?"
"Hey mate. Why I'm here to see my little sister of course. Couldn't miss it for the world. Got a bit of time off for it."
I nodded and he followed me to the seats, where I sat, unable to sit still.

Y/N pov:

"Charles." I said, walking over to him and messing up his hair.
"Hey you." He said, hugging me. "You prepared?"
"Of course." I laugh.
"I'm not supposed to be telling you this." He whispered, "but Mallow is out there. She's one of the dragons."
"Wait! Really! That's amazing! Can I see her later?" I shrieked, and he shushed me.
"Course you can. What about tomorrow?"
I nodded my head and he wished me luck, before I proceeded to the rest of the group.

"Good luck Fleur." I said, hugging her.
"And you Y/N. You'll do great. I know it. And at some point next week, we are going out for a drink! It's been too long." She laughed.
"Definitely. A drink of celebration."

I felt two arms pull around my middle.
"Hey Vic." I laughed, noticing my other friend.
"Good luck today. But be prepared to be beaten. I'm not calling truce from the World Cup." He said.
"Oh yeah, cos your the one who's going to get beaten. Not me." I laughed. We exchanged a hug as we were called to gather around.

"In this bag, are five models, representing five very real dragons. Each one has been given an egg to protect. The task is simple. Collect the egg." Crouch explained.

Everyone had selected their dragon.
"Which leaves." He said, turning to me.
"Mallow." I said quietly.
"What's that?" He asked.
"Oh nothing." I spoke louder. He places the dragon in my hand.

Dumbledore retuned, "right champions. First up is Mr Diggory, followed by Miss Delacor, Mr Krum, Mr Potter and finally Miss Wood.
Mr Diggory at the sound of the cannon, you may."
The cannon set off and Cedric gulped. I quickly hugged him, "good luck."
He nodded and exited the tent.

Time skip:
I wasn't sure what was going on. But all four had now returned to the tent, each one alive, but all suffering some burns. All I could hear was cheering and screaming I didn't know what to think. But all I could think about was in a couple of minutes I could be burned alive.


Freds pov:
"That's it. We have seen four of our champions, each one having excelled greatly." Dumbledore spoke, "so I think it's fitting that our last champion be welcomed, to see if she can beat the others time to the egg. So without further a do, please welcome Y/N Wood!"

Cheers erupted the stadiums, from pretty much the whole crowd, the majority of the people here all knew Y/N. My breathing quickened as she began to walk forward, a look of determination on her face.
"Fred. Charlie's on stand-by in case anything happens. She will be fine. She won't need him though, that girls got fire!" Bill said, patting my back.
I took a deep breath in and watched the show commence, praying every second that she would be alright.

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