Chapter 33- Its my birthday

Start from the beginning

We head back down to the party and all eyes are on me, the boys looking me up and down.
The one person I notice however, is Fred, who looks extremely nervous, after his eyes trail up my body, he meets my eye, and instantly looks away. I've never seen him do that before, normally he would make some sort of sarcastic remark.

"Come on then! Let's get this party started." I yell, taking a bottle of fire whisky off the coffee table. There's a cry of cheers as music is put on and the dancing begins.

I dance with Ginny and Hermione for a while, swinging our hips to the music. We keep laughing as every time we look over to the group, the eyes are on us. It was really fun.

Suddenly I feel a tap on my shoulder, and turn around to see Fred grinning at me. His hair is messy and his shirt unbuttoned lower than usual. He takes my hand and leads me away from the rest of the girls, spinning me around and dancing to the music.

It's a lot of fun, until a very mature song comes on. The music begins to talk about very heated subjects which cause me and Fred to look away. I'm ready to get out of there because of the tempo of the music, but Fred instead, places his hands lower on my back, swaying with me. We end with him dipping me to the ground and leaning over me, receiving cheers from the group that had apparently been watching. Flustered, we both part ways after he winks at me. I sit with the girls on one side of the common room, the boys across from us on the other.

Fred, George, Lee and Oliver, look to be having a rather deep conversation as Fred has turned bright red, and Oliver looks pretty annoyed. Ginny notices the tension and so calls out.
"Who wants to open presents!"

Everyone agrees and so I run up to my room to grab the presents I've bought for everyone. I place a charm onto them, helping them to float into the room, and place them in a pile in the corner.

Everyone looks at me gone out.
"What?" I ask.
"Y/N, where did you get all those boxes from?" George asks.
"They're your presents." I say, confused.
Everyone laughs as Fred walks over to sit by me, a silence then falling over the room.
"Y/N love, we give you presents. You don't get them for everyone else."
I feel really embarrassed, but of course I wouldn't know.

"Y/N how did you not know that?" Ginny laughs.
"No Ginny." Fred warns.
"It's alright Freddie." I say, "well erm, being in France since the age of four, I've never actually celebrated my birthday so yeah." I admit.

Everyone looks at me with sympathy before Lee steps up, "you know what then. Let's make it the best fucking birthday you've ever witnessed."

We all agree and sit in a circle in the middle of the floor, presents surrounding my legs.
I hand out the others presents, "you may as well have them." I laugh.
They say their thank you's and start to rip open the paper.
"It's only something small. Since I thought we would be doing this like eight times a year, because of everyone's birthday."
"It's perfect."
"Thanks Y/N"
"Thank you."
"Your the best."
I get lots of hugs.

"Come on then! Open yours!" A voice calls.
I chuckle and start to rip open the presents.
From Hermione I receive a book, Harry, leather chasers gloves, Ron some sweets, George prank things, Lee more sweets, Oliver, tickets to watch his next quidditch match, Alicia, a pair of shoes, Ginny, a picture and frame of me and the girls, and finally Fred, a charm to go on the bracelet he bought me last year. A little ball with wings, representing the golden snitch.

"I love it Freddie. Thank you so much!" I say, already adding it to the bracelet.
"Your welcome love."

"How about we play a game of truth or dare?" Hermione asks. I look down, remembering the kiss that happened last time we played this game. I nod along quickly as everyone asks me for approval.

We sit in a circle waiting for the boys to return with the truth serum they had nicked from Snape.

"Alright as the birthday girl, Y/N, you can ask someone first." Lee says.
I nod before turning to Gin, "truth or dare."

"Dare." She says confidently.
"Sit in Harry's lap for the rest of the game."
She gives me a death stare, but shakes it off with a grin before sitting on Harry, who also, I might add, looks very happy.
I laugh mischievously to myself and look up to see Fred shaking his head at me.
"Alright then, erm.... let's see, Fred. Truth or dare?" Ginny says.
"Hmmm, Let's go dare then." He says.
"I dare you to fake propose to Y/N with a haribo ring." She says.
He scoffs with amusement. "Fine, that's not even bad."

He takes the ring and walks over to me, getting down on one knee, "Y/N, my love, my sanity, my everything." He says sarcastically and exaggerated, "will you do me the honours of being my wife?"

I laugh before a voice calls out. "I object! I'm in love with Y/N! You can't do this to me! I've loved her for the past year! Y/N I'm begging you! Don't do this to me!" Lee!
He starts to fake cry and seeks comfort in George, who laughs, stroking his back.

"Freddie, I would love to." I laugh, "Lee, I'm sorry. I never loved you!"
Another cry is announced as Lee falls drastically to the floor.
Fred places the ring on my finger with a wink, before returning back to his seat.

"Alright then, George." Fred says, "truth or dare?"
"Truth." He says, taking a sip from the potion, "one girl you'd make-out with this second?" He asks.
"Y/N." He says, throwing me a wink. I laugh, it doesn't effect me the way Fred does. When George does it, it's funny. When Fred does it, I get butterfly's burning up inside.

"Alright then, my go. Y/N, truth or dare?" George grins.
"Dare." I say.
"I dare you to flash Fred." He says. I look at him in horror, noticing that I've gone bright red. Holy shit.
"W..w...what?" I finally manage to get out.
"Flash Fred your bra." He says, shit he was serious.

Fred also looks uncomfortable, but deep down I can sense a smile. I roll my eyes before pulling Fred out of the room.
"Love you don't have to." Fred says.
"I know but he will force truth serum down my throat to get answers, so just let me get on with it."

I pull my dress down slightly, very quickly before pulling it straight back up. Fred flushes a deep red colour, and I have to drag him out of the room as he's stuck in trance.

"Did she do it Fred?" George asks. Fred just nods. "If she did it, take some truth serum and told me she did it."

Fred takes a sip, "she did it."
The room roars with laughter and the girls wiggle their eyebrows at me, I just shrug and look at the smirking boys who seem to be making fun of Fred. Poor Fred looks like he's seen a ghost.
Oliver shakes his head at me, not even the slightest bit amused.

"Alright anyway." I say, "Hermione, truth or dare?"
"Truth." She says.
"First kiss?" I ask.
"Ron." She announces. I jump up, on top of the couch, screaming on the top of my lungs at the news.

Everyone laughs in amusement at my celebration and I continue jumping up and down on the sofa. "ROMIONE, ROMIONE, ROMIONE!"

"Alright, shut up. Lee, truth or dare?" She asks.

"Who in this room, do you find most attractive. Boy and Girl?" She asks.
"Well my girl Y/N duh." He laughs, "and well for boy, Erm..... welll.... George."

I notice George blush furiously, and can't help but wonder, what's happening with that? They looked really good together, I'll admit. Maybe, just maybe, there might be something there.

A couple more dares are played and are really fun. We dance a little while longer, and for once, I'm enjoying time partying with my friends. Not having to care of anything bad at the time.

Suddenly, there's a tap at the window.
An unrecognisable owl carries a slip of paper.
"Y/N! It's addressed to you." Alicia yells over the loud music.

I open the folded parchment staring down at the scribbled note.

Meet me in the Gryffindor common room.
11pm tomorrow night.
Bring only Harry.

I'm going to see my dad tomorrow!

This instantly raises my spirits even higher, as we spend the rest of the night partying, before crashing on the couches in the common room.
What a night.

Hey everyone. Hope you enjoyed this chapter. Sorry not a lot happened but I thought it was funny to write. Hope your all alright. Xx

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