Part 29 - The Ninja meeting 'Slab' and the Resistance planning

Comenzar desde el principio

"JAY FUCKING STOP THIS YOU LUNATIC !!!", Mordu yelled angered.

"But it is fun !"

"STOP THIS NONSENSE YOU PSYCHO !!!", Mordu screeched.

It was inhumane and everyone stopped and stared at Mordu. Everyone was silent and the Dragon looked at Mordu with narrowed eyes.

"Mordu...Are you an Oni ?", Kai asked.

"No ! But do you think a Necromancer is alive ?!"

"Necromancer ? What is that ?",

"A Necromancer is a Person that possesses Death Magic, aka. Dark Magic or Witchcraft. It is mostly used to revive the dead and manipulate the dead and find out hidden knowledge.", Zane explained.

"I died due to an experiment and came back because the spell I cast upon myself revived me. I am undead. And if you are undead you are inhumane and you get some certain abilities.", Mordu deadpanned.

"Means you can talk Dragonish ?"

"Nope. Just can screech inhumane."

Suddenly the Dragon made hunt at Mordu and he yelped and ran fastly around.

"DO SOMETHING !!!", he yelled.

That is when Wu, Alex and Cole let down a chain and Zane and Kai got to work. Soon the Dragon was bound and defeated, but Jay didn't look out and Zane had to use his Ice Powers to save his ass.

They were all silent and Iron Baron found out that they were Elemental Masters and not Oni, which was even worse...

"Hunt them down ! Capture them !", he yelled.

Immediately Mordu summoned 2 daggers out of Necromancy and growled, standing in front of the 3 Ninja. They closed in and Mordu snarled and attacked. He slaughtered many and they all backed away.

He growled like a threatened animal.

"Touch us and I will cut off your worthless limbs !", he snarled.

With Lloyd...

Ultra Violet was on TV and played with some shit and said that the Mail Man was still not found. Karlof was getting worried and the others watched till the end and then turned the TV off.

Meanwhile Destiny sat with Mistake and sighed.

"What is it, old friend ?", Mistake asked worried.

"It is Lloyd... Do you think I...made a mistake with locking his Powers away ?", she asked them.

Mistake smiled at her.

"Maybe you did it at the wrong time, but you certainly didn't do a mistake."

"Are you sure ? Some times it feels like...I did a grave mistake..."

"Lloyd forgot a lot. He needs to learn more and some other lessons again. You did the right thing."

Destiny looked at Mistake in unsureness. They sighed and smiled.

"Come with me.", they said.

Destiny followed Mistake out of the room they were in and down the stairs.

"Karlof !", Mistake called.

They had their attention.

"Do you think I can get your help with Lloyd's training ?", Mistake asked him.

"Oh it would be my....pleasure.", he said, banging his metal gloves together.

Lloyd looked scared and Destiny stared at Mistake, wondering what they want to accomplish with that.

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