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~ Jennie ~

--- Jennie !! Stop Please!! I can't stand hearing it anymore, I know it's great, but it's the fifth time you've played that song --- Jisoo claims --- Ah ... Unnie ... let me play it one more time, you know what it means to me ---
--- Aigoo, ok, but just one more time, you are going to see him tonight at the concert anyway ---
--- Yes, I know, I'm happy about it. But unnie you know that after that he leaves ---
--- Aww, is my Jendukie sad from now on? --- Jisoo grabs my cheeks while she teases me.

Tonight is the first concert of Ji Yong-oppa's tour, the day of  farewell has finally arrived, after today he leaves and does not return until October to begin his military service. I have already adapted to that idea, although I do not deny that sometimes it hurts a little to know that it will take at least more than two years to see him again. I wonder what direction things will have taken two years from now, is what oppa says, it is impossible to know the future, the only certain thing that exists is the present and until that distant future does not become our present we cannot be sure.

--- Lisa-ya! Chaeyoung-ah! Come here for a moment, I need to tell you something --- the girls come right away --- Today when we go to see Ji Yong-oppa I need you to behave, do not make jokes about what happened that day here in my room, many people will be there including the president and I don't want anyone else to know anything ---
--- Unnie !! How can you think we could do that, just thinking about it and remembering that day my face turns red --- Lisa says
--- Waaaa !! unnie is true, look at Lisa's face, she must have seen something wrong --- Rosé doesn't stop laughing as she makes fun of Lisa's flushed cheeks and I feel that mine gets hot too, after all that morning was something unforgettable.

We arrive at the stadium where oppa will give the concert, the screams of the fans are heard and the lines at the entrance are huge, one day BLACKPINK will also fill places like this, I have hope.

We enter the dressing rooms, I see him right away, he is in front of the mirror while the stylist finishes fixing it, oppa is thinner than the last time I saw him, he must have been stressed. From the moment my eyes make contact with him, nothing else in this room counts, I ... I can't stop looking at him like a fool, I'm going to miss him more than I thought.

~ Ji Yong ~

--- How many songs are? --- Daesung asks,he's by my side but I don't answer, I've been in a kind of bad vibe all day, just thinking about everything that awaits me makes me feel tired. Some time later, Youngbae arrives, behind him more people begin to greet me as I prepare for the show.

I feel some voices outside, she is finally here, I can't help but get excited and turn towards the door the moment she arrives with the girls.
Jen comes into the room and I don't know how but it's an instant effect, I feel better, she makes me feel better, I think for the first time all day I am able to smile.

Jisoo starts with her usual jokes, Lisa and Rosé are standing with embarrassed expressions, they make me remember the mishap in Jen's room a while ago, that day I had the biggest embarrassment of my life. I can't help but laugh as I remember it.

--- This is my first smile today --- I say it without realizing it out loud, Jennie is by my side all the time, she watches me through the mirror while she fixes her hair nervously. This is where I feel good, it is her look what makes me sweat with nerves, it is her ...

just this last time, wait for me until I come back to you please, don't forget me, I… love you.

The words that my gaze shouts through the mirror, will she be able to hear them ...?

• Author's note: GD's first concert of their 2017 tour was in Seoul on June 10th •


~ Jennie ~

What a beautiful night, I review everything I experienced last night with oppa while I am still in a dream state. I seem to hear Lisa's voice knocking on the door but I don't pay any attention to it and I keep sleeping, it feels so good everything. Lisa's voice reappears to disturb my peace of mind until a muffled scream brings me back into the world at once. In a second I'm sitting on the bed wrapped only in the sheets just like I fell asleep a few hours ago, Lisa is inside the room standing in front of the bathroom, wait, where is oppa? Oh no ... I see the right moment when Ji Yong in his underwear closes the bathroom door with a slam, this was not in the plan ...

Lisa turns to me nervously --- Unnie ... there is a man in your bathroom --- she tells me with an agitated voice --- Unnie ... that man looks like GD ---
--- Lisa-ya this ... --- Rosé enters the room running, another shocked girl at the list, behind her comes Jisoo
--- Chaeyoung-ah !! Come run !!, there in Jennie-unnie's bathroom, I think GD is in there, and he was without ... ---

Jisoo immediately stares at me, she knows that Lisa is not lying, right now I just need to disappear inside these sheets, I can't even uncover because my clothes are on the floor, a detail that the girls haven't noticed yet.

--- Lisaaaa, how is GD going to be in Jennie's bathroom, right Unnie? Wait, Unnie why are those clothes on the floor? Could it be ... OH MY GOD !! --- Rosé throws herself towards the bathroom door to open it and check what Lisa said, when it opens, Ji Yong-oppa comes out already dressed with a nervous smile while Lisa and Rosé are shocked and Jisoo does nothing but laugh in the corner of the room.

--- Emm… Hello… I… well you know who I am --- It's all that comes out of his mouth, while he shakes his hair out of shame.

Seriously, I need to get dressed ...

Seriously, I need to get dressed

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