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~Ji yong~

I open the door and enter slowly, I close after entering we are almost in darkness, I turn on a small light that only reaches to dispel the darkness. She turns to me and comes closer, my heart races and she starts to speak
--- Oppa, I asked you to come here because I have something important to say and some questions to make you, I'm going to be a bit direct since I don't think we have much time---
I look at her and say ---Okay, I'm here listening--- She takes a breath and continues
--- I ... I want to know if you still feel something for me, you know ... if you still ... ---
I interrupt her and tell her ---Always ... I never stopped loving you--- J smiles and sighs, I put my hand on her cheek, and I say ---Go on, I know you have something else to say---
---I just want to ask you not to run away this time---
---I didn't run away Jen, I just walked away for your safe---
---Yes, I know, but I no longer need you to protect me, you no longer have to worry about me, my future or my career, I can take care of that by myself, I am here taking my own risks, you do not have to torture you more for what happened years ago, that was left behind. I... want... this night...
I interrupt her, she will not be the one who asks, she has already arrived here alone, now I will take control ---Come with me tonight !!--- The words come out of my mouth as a reflection, she looks at me ...

I take her by the hand, I open the door, no one is there, I give her my jacket and the mask that I brought, we run down the service corridor towards the parking area.
---Wait !!, I have to call someone--- she takes the phone--- Unnie !! I'm going home !!--- I don't know who she called but she immediately hangs up and we get in the car.

We go into the city, she is sitting next to me while I drive, she looks at me and smiles, my cell phone starts ringing, it's Dara, I hang up and turn it off.--- Jen, turn yours off too--- she does.
Where should we go ... ---Any ideas Jennie?--- she looks at me and says ---I don't know, no matter how much I think, I feel like there is no safe place outside this car ...--- I keep thinking ... that's it, I know where we'll go.

It took us a few hours to leave civilization, Jennie has fallen asleep, we finally reached the coast, it is a little visited area, it is not a beach area but it is perfect for us. I caress her face, she opens her eyes ---Hey, Jen, we've arrived, I'm sorry if I couldn't bring you to a better place, it was what I could think of, away from people, at least no one will find us here--- She looks at me and then looks at the place and responds ---It's ... perfect---

This isn't a pot if that time but still is beautiful

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This isn't a pot if that time but still is beautiful

My Idol, My Muse | JendragonWhere stories live. Discover now