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~Ji yong~

--- I already said that there can't be  improper scenes, the girl is still underage, she is too young for that --- I tell the director whate we have hired for the video, God as he insists, if he continues like this I will fire him and direct myself. Everything is ready, the filming will be in a week, I only have one pending issue, I must go to see the traine and to explain her what I want to achieve, I should also to show her the song so that she can get an idea.
--- President, what time are the traines today? --- I ask and he answers: --- Umm ... If you ask about Jennie, her subgroup I think is in a dance lesson ---

I go to the dance hall to look for the girl, I arrive and see her dance along with the other apprentices, again she leaves me speechless, I can't take my eyes off that girl. The teacher notices my presence and stops the class, immediately they all turn to me with surprised faces. --- Excuse me teacher I need Jennie to accompany me --- She looks at me and says without delay --- Yes, I was already informed, come on Jennie, what are you waiting for, do not leave your sumbae waiting --- The girl, all agitated, says goodbye with a curtsy and accompanies me.

She is walking behind me, I realize that she is very nervous, I accelerate and she does, suddenly I stop for her to catch up with me and walk beside me but by surprise she collides with my back. --- Oh !!, I'm so sorry, I was distracted --- she apologizes, I laugh and keep walking --- I take you to the studio to talk about what I want and show you the song --- She nods and keeps walking behind me.
--- Come on in, take a seat --- I sit in front  her and turn on the music --- This is the theme, listen it. --- She nods again. She closes her eyes and sits there listening to the song, while, without realizing it, my eyes begin to travel all over her figure, she wears a black plus-size pullover that works as a dress, knee-length stockings and her hair collected but a few strands they fall from his forehead to his neck. I start my visual tour of her legs, then her thin arms, the wide neck of her pullover lets her clavicle show where her sweaty neck begins and where her long dark hair strands fall. Her thick lips, her nose so small and finally that mole under her eyebrow.

Without realizing my hand goes up in search of her, the only thing I have in mind right now is to touch her, caress her cheek and her hair, I don't even hear the music anymore. When I'm about to make contact, she opens her eyes. She stares at me, an expression mixed between amazement and fear, I quickly move my hand away and ask her --- Tell me what do you think? --- she answers --- Emm, it's great sumbae !, I like it a lot --- I look at her and I say --- Don't call me sumbae --- She is perplexed --- Better call me Oppa, I think that from now on we will be very close.

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