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~Jennie kim~

Pi pi pi... I open my eyes, it's 5am. The day of the monthly evaluation has arrived. I already lost count of how many I have done, the truth does not matter much to me because I know that I still have many more. I get up, and the girls in the bedroom have also woken up, we prepare for the routine of the test day, wash, apply makeup, get perfect, have breakfast if you have time and practice for the last time.

--- Jisoo-unnie !! Come on hurry, we must get there fast to practice more
---I'm going!! Hey girl! You don't talk to your unnie like that, you hear Miss Jennie --- I look at her and laugh. Lisa is already dressed and fixed, I think she is awake since 4am, I do not know where she gets so much energy, not that she needs to practice so much, she has always been the best dancer of all.

We arrived at the practice room, everything is ready, the president and the producers have already arrived, in addition to them, today the sumbaes of BIGBANG and 2NE1 are here. I don't know why they all lived, that makes me a little uncomfortable. When I enter the room I notice that they stare at me, I feel it on the back of my neck, it is GD, he is looking at me, suddenly I notice that he says something to the president's ear and he nods. Seungri exclaims indiscreetly looking at me --- Is it her? !! --- everyone turns around and I just want to sink into the wooden floor.

The test passes, my turn comes and I have to make an effort to concentrate after what happened. Everything works out fine, two B's and one A is not a bad grade. I keep feeling bad because a girl got three C's, which means a goodbye from here. My girls were fine which leaves me fine.

When everyone leaves the room and I'm about to leave I feel like they are calling me
--- Jennie Kim !! Come here for a moment --- it's the president, the only thing my mind tells me is that I'm screwed, I did something wrong and this is where I have come to end. I approach, only the president and GD were left. --- Yes sir, tell me --- my voice trembles
--- Miss Jennie, I would like you to participate in my music video, as the protagonist next to me --- I'm hallucinating or GD has just proposed that I, a simple traine goes in his video, I don't know what to say, I'm speechless , what a shame every time he talks to me I make a fool of myself.
--- Well, do you accept? --- he asks again and I answer him. --- Yes, nothing would make me happier.
I'm walking out, I'm in the clouds, I still can't believe it, someone intercepts me and grabs my arm, it's Sandara.
--- Oh sumbae, tell me --- I ask surprised.
--- I do not know what you did to achieve this, but you can be sure that next time it will not be so easy. Watch your steps Jennie, I'm watching you .--- I don't know what she meant but what is clear is that today I inaugurate the list of enemies.

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