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~Jennie kim~

Everything feels so unreal, it's like a fantasy. I hold his hand, look into his eyes, my heart is beating faster and faster. He approaches me, sits next to me and caresses my face with his hand, runs his fingers over the sign on my neck that says I'm his, I do the same with the one he has, who says he's mine. He lowers my head to his shoulder and supports it there, I could spend my whole life leaning on this god. He turns his head from him and kisses my forehead, which makes my skin crawl and my heart beat even faster.

He is even more handsome than normal, he wears more tattoos, and a fiery look. I do not know if it is all part of his performance or there is something true in his eyes, I only know that this moment will remain forever engraved on me. The day I had my idol in my arms and he had me in his --- Cut !! --- the director's voice is heard --- Now the bed scene, let's go ---
Laying here in this bed with him makes me relive the times when he visits me in dreams. It is a pity that they have eliminated the kiss scene, I wanted to kiss him, I would like to be 20 years old and so I would be free to touch his lips. He lies down next to me and puts his arm behind my head, if that's how it feels to be in bed with a man, I'd say it's a thousand times better because it's with him.

~Ji yong~

I was not wrong in choosing her, my
muse. She makes this feel so real that I forget even the cameras. She looks at me so sweetly with that smile, nothing compares to that smile that she has. I imagine what it would be like if there were no cameras, to be here alone with her in this room, caress her, take her and make her mine. I stare at her until she notices it, she is so innocent, she doesn't know how to face my looking, she just laughs and looks away. She is too young, it would not be a good idea to think about pretending her, it could also affect her dream of debuting.

For now, I only can settle for this moment, share with her and maybe get to know her, know what she thinks, guide her, be her mentor. I want her to achieve everything in her life, and if I can help her in that, then she will have me close to support her.

The filming ends, and everyone is dispersing, I ask her --- Jennie, who takes you to the bedrooms? Or are you going to your mother's house? --- she answers --- I ... I wanted to go to my mother's house but it's too late to take the bus --- I think for a moment --- Well come with me, sir Kim and I will drop you off at your house --- she smiles at me and nods, that smile ...

My Idol, My Muse | JendragonWhere stories live. Discover now