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~Jennie kim~

It's 10 pm, I finally get to the bedroom that has been my home for two years now. I am extremely exhausted, my feet hurt from practicing the routine for the monthly evaluation for hours, I can hardly speak because the effort I have put into my voice while I practiced in singing class, and the blisters on my toes do not stop throbbing . Sometimes I wonder what I'm doing here, at 17 years old training fourteen hours a day, 13 days in a row. Luckily tomorrow is the fourteenth day which means it's our free day.

I look at the bed next to me, Jisoo-unnie is sleeping soundly, it seems that he has already decided not to travel so much to her house and take advantage of the free time to rest. Further behind her is Lisa the Thai girl, she sleeps like a rock, with her arms and legs spread wide, I can't help but laugh every time I see her sleeping. Those girls make my days here more fleeting. If I get to debut I would like them to be by my side.

I lay down on my bed and a person comes to my mind. I haven't seen him around here for a long time, I mean, in person, because the whole building is full of posters of him and my cell phone of photos and videos of him. They say that he is working on a mini album and that he will soon be shooting a music video, as I heard from his team, it will be a romantic video and they will hire a model for the filming. I sigh and imagine how lucky that girl will be to share a day with him.

I feel the bedroom door open and someone enters. From the silhouette that his body produces against the light, I would say that he is a man, rather thin. I stay motionless on the bed, I don't know what to do, I try to scream and warn the girls that there is an intruder but not a sound comes out of my throat, it's like I'm frozen. The shadow is heading towards my bed, I can't move, I'm in total panic. He sits on the edge and a shaft of light coming through the door makes his face stand out in the dark. He is the one I think of all the time, and he is here… in my bed, looking at me sweetly. He raises his hand and places it on my cheek and says --- Little girl, don't give up, I feel that one day you will be my muse --- The words are echoing in my head for a moment, suddenly his hand begins to come down to my chest where my heart beats so loud and loud I swear it can be heard in whole bedroom. His face is close to mine, I already feel his breathing, his lips are approaching mine and I feel that an immense heat is unleashed within me and runs through my body like waves. I feel a sound, a pi pi pi, I open my eyes and see the light of day, it's my day off and that was all a dream.

My Idol, My Muse | JendragonWhere stories live. Discover now