Jungkook face not smiling anymore as he saw both of them hugging.

Jackson reluctantly left at last... he kept looking back at his friend... until they were out of his sight..
He sighed..
"Why do i feel like.. i shouldn't have left" he muttered to himself.

"What do you want?" hissed namjoon as soon as Jackson was out of sight.. His face showing an ugly expressions.

"Boyfriend?" asked Jungkook pointing in the direction where  Jackson disappeared

"You know my class schedules.. i bet if you dig a bit deeper you can find answer to that too"
Namjoon adjusted his bag and walked off quickly... Jungkook running behind him.. trying to catch up.

"I always knew your schedule, even before i sent you invite.. i knew you had a class–" jungkook tried to justify himself that.. he was not snooping around after they met last time.. he was keeping his promise to respect their privacy.. but instead shut his mouth in mid when he saw elder's glowering expressions as he increased his pace again... younger was now in almost in a sprint.. Jungkook thought to himself.. This long legged creature.. why is he running like i am going to kidnap him?

"Where you going.. i need to talk to you" Jungkook finally huffed.. when he can't keep up with elder.

Namjoon didn't even turned to answer him.. but he did slow down a bit. "Didn't you say you buying me a lunch?"

"Yes i did" smiled Jungkook as he finally caught up to Namjoon and matched his pace.. feeling rather happy.

"You want to eat here?" Jungkook asked in disbelief.

"Got a problem with that?" Namjoon questioned.. a smirk on his face.

"No... I just thought we were under dressed" said Jungkook with a smile as he looked at the towering Pierre Gagnaire à Séoul building.

"Huh? you really gonna go in there?" now it was Namjoon who was shocked. Jungkook just took out his black card and waved infront of Namjoon.
When Namjoon saw it.. he gulped his saliva and choked on it.. coughing like an idiot.

They traveled for one hour before Namjoon made him stop here.. Ofcourse Namjoon was not planning to go in there... he just wanted to mess with Jungkook...maybe make him pay for expensive meal.. he knew the other side had money.. since he treated everyone with great dinner last time..that restaurant was also a good one.. . he drives a decent car.. not very expensive.. but still a good one.. but he never thought he was that rich..

"Yes.. you like french cuisine? i didn't knew that.." Jungkook said last line to himself.. a strange expression on his face.

Jungkook have always took pride in the work he do... He knew that he was the only one in the group who knew every person like the back of his hand.. since he grow up observing everyone. He has special respect for Namjoon.. since he had seen him and liked him the most out of all guys.. The guy was simple in nature but a deep thinker.. Jungkook always loved watching him the most.. how calmly he used to just read all day.. how occasionally he will cry or laugh while reading it.. making Jungkook wonder what he was reading.. How he will talk to the books around him.. telling them what's written in other books.. How he will never ever show his genuine dimpled smile to Dr. John.. Apart from Yoongi.. Namjoon was the only one who never succumbed to Dr. John's sexual advances.. never giving up... Jungkook watched everything.. He knew what elder like to eat.. what he doesn't like to eat.. as that was Dr. John's one way to train his subjects.. with reward and punishment theory.  Anger him once and you will get the food you hate the most for the rest of the week... It might not sound that bad... but when you don't like something and you are forced to eat it three times in a day for a week.. when the highlight of your days in that isolation is just food and one Dr. John.. you are bound to break and do what he says. But Namjoon was the most stubborn out of all.. even to the point that sometimes when Dr. John will leave Namjoon's room he will be a bloody mess.. He will crawl to his bed.. tend to his injuries himself and will find his comfort books.. and read them as he cry himself to sleep. Jungkook heart will ache everytime Dr. John beat him up.. so much that his fear of Dr. John will evaporate and what left will be a pure loathing... He should thanks Namjoon for this.. as because of him.. Jungkook never lost his senses like other subjects and kept fighting with Dr. John's manipulations.

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