Sitting in the back of her car was awkward. Feeling like the third wheel while the couple sat at the front made you even more alone. But you stopped thinking about that, because you would be seeing kuroo.

You arrived at his dorm, and helped Kenma and Isabella get to it since they've never been there before.

"This is it." You said as you lightly knocked on the door.

Kuroo answered the door before wrapping his arms around your body tightly.

"Hey guys." He said as he let go of the hug. "Come on in."

Kenma and Isabella followed behind you and Kuroo.

"Happy birthday kuroo." You smiled, leaning in to give him a kiss.

"Thank you sweetheart." He said as you placed your bag filled with his watch down. He didn't ask what was in the bag.

"Hey Bokuto and Akaashi." You smiled as you waved at the two boys who were sitting in the middle of the room, on the floor.

"Hey (y/n)" they both said in sync as you sat down next to them.

Kenma and Isabella introduced themselves to Bokuto and Akaashi before noticing they had a lot in common. Isabella and Bokuto were like the same person, and so were Kenma and Akaashi. You and Kuroo enjoyed listening to them, and even had your own little conversation.

You decided to interrupt, to say a little speech.

You stood up, going to grab your bag before sitting down.

"Okay everyone. Listen up. Kuroo, as you all know, is my boyfriend. And it's almost been a year since we've been together. So much has happened since then, but it feels like only a day has gone by since then. So I got him a little something." You smiled as you pulled out the box which contained the watch.

You gave it to kuroo. "Sweetheart, you didn't have to." He smiled as he gently opened the box, revealing the watch.

"(Y/n) this is perfect. I've been needing a watch." He smiled as you leant into him to give him a warm hug.

"Give me props Kuroo I helped her pick that!" Isabella said with a pout.

"You're the best wingman Isabella." Kuroo smiled as he gave you another hug.

"It's not all about you baby." Kenma said as he held onto Isabella. "Let them have their moment."

"You chose that for him?" Bokuto asked Isabella with a smile on his face. "How about you help Akaashi buy me things. One time he bought me a damn scarf for my birthday!" He cackled.

"Oh shut up." Akaashi said with slight annoyance yet embarrassment in his voice.

"Hell Yeah." Isabella smiled as you looked towards her.

You looked back to kuroo, helping him put the watch on. "It fits perfectly." He smiled as he gave you a kiss on the forehead. "I'm glad." You smile back.

Most of the evening was just the six of you talking, and Isabella and Bokuto being so loud just to talk over one another, while Kenma and Akaashi would hold the two of them from getting up and doing stupid shit.

The day had ended and once again you were finding it hard to say goodbye to kuroo. You didn't want to leave him. Kenma and Isabella had agreed to wait in the car so you could say goodbye to kuroo, and Akaashi and Bokuto walked out for a minute for you as well.

"Kuroo I don't want to leave." You said as you didn't let go of the hug you were in with him.

"I don't want you to either." He said honestly, rubbing your back gently.

You pressed the side of your face against his chest as tears formed in your face. You didn't understand why.

"When am I going to see you again?" You said as he pulled away, matching his face level to yours.

"Sweetheart I want you with me as much as possible. But university is far more different than I thought." He gave you a gentle kiss, wiping the tears off your face with his thumb.

"I'll FaceTime you tomorrow night, and we can arrange a date. I promise this will work out." He said as he gently planted another kiss on your lips.

"I love you kuroo." You gave him another hug.

"I love you too (y/n)"

You walked out of his dorm, barely able to walk away from him. You could see Akaashi and Bokuto wave goodbye as they entered back into kuroos dorm room.

You walked down to where Isabella was parked and got into the car.

"You okay honey?" She asked as she looked back to you.

"Yeah. Thanks Isa." You smiled through the sadness you felt away from kuroo.

Isabella drove you home and you completed the rest of the day, eating ice cream at home while watching romance movies.

Sweetheart (kuroo x reader) 😉Where stories live. Discover now