Authors note

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I can't believe we're already on the fourth book!

For the people that are new or have skipped authors notes before; welcome! This is the fourth book in the Locatlie series. I have written the first 6 books already and am currently working on the seventh. I expect there will be seven books.  I am also working on the origin story of Julia, with special focus on her parents. If anyone is interested in that, let me know in the comments ! :)

I try to post at least 4 chapters a week. I usually do this towards the end of the week, as I am currently in the last year of my teachers degree and my internship is on monday and tuesday.

Any form of feedback is highly appreciated. I don't like to post authors notes at the end of each chapter and I am too ashamed to ask for votes and comments after each chapter. So I'll ask this just once now; don't forget to vote for the chapters, and please respond with your thoughts in the comments. I try to respond within 24 hours and I love hearing your thoughts!

No parts of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form without the permission of the author. This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are all part of the author's imagination. Any resemblances to reality or other work is entirely coincidental.

Warning: This story is for mature audiences. Involves physical abuse, mental abuse, different forms of torture and graphic sexual chapters.

I hope everyone enjoys! This is one of my favorite books by far!

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