
Start from the beginning

"So the pawns you went to meet were.." Emma paused, finally realizing.

"Yes, demons. We just made an alliance. Their society isn't monolithic."

"There is a hierarchy in the demon society. There's a royal resting at the very top, leading the whole. Below is the nobility, under the nobility are the commoners at town. And at the very bottom are wild demons. It's quite a rigid caste system."

"In particular, the royal family and the five regent lines-"


"Five noble families who have the exclusive right to succeed the royals. The royal family and the regents command and manage the plantations." Norman explained.

"They control the supply of human meat. They rule the balance of the entire demon society, boasting tremendous wealth and privilege."

"The ones who built Lambda!" Emma said.

"Yes." Norman said.

"Then there are demons who are dissatisfied at the ever-growing inequality between them and the nobles. We will use those as our advantage." Norman said.

"What does that mean, concretely? What is the alliance all about?" Ray asked for complete information.

"There is a fallen clan of nobles called the Gillan clan." (Y/N) answered him.

"Through the machinations of the royals and the regents. They were framed of a crime and lost their good name and privilege. One could call it exile. Punished not to eat human meat, their bodies would degenerate. Their histories say say they regressed back to wild demons and the clan fell but in reality, they went into hiding."

"They stole what they could from plantations, from the streets and managed to survive. Barely keeping ahold of their humanoid shape and intelligence." Norman explained.

"It's amazing that you could find out about them. So there are demons like that." Emma smiled, but somehow a little bit sad.

"Is it really alright to work with them?" Ray asked.

"It will be fine. Of course, there are some risks as they will eat us when we are no longer useful. We are looking forward of them killing each other. If this play out like this, it will be alright." Norman reassured.

"They won't move on us before seeing their revenge come true. They have been nurturing a strong desire for this revenge, for a long time. And there's another reason that prevents them from acting before that." Norman said.

"If this goes well, none of the children will get hurt." (Y/N) said. "This is better than fighting demons head on."

To be honest, she just went with the flow of Norman's plan. "I will never lose to a battle of wits. I'm not saying this out of arrogance or confidence but with determination. I'll do whatever it takes to secure victory without spilling blood." Maybe human blood won't be.

"Norman. There are demons who don't eat humans. There are some who don't devolve, even if they don't eat human meat. We think those demons don't absorb traits from what they eat." Emma said, which made both her and Norman have a shocked reaction.

"Yeah, and I suppose there is a lot of this and still wants to eat humans. It would threaten the very basis of our plan." Ray said.

"That's why we thought of talking to you guys about-" Emma paused as she noticed their expression.

"How did you know about that?" Norman asked, having a shocked expression. "Where did you hear it?"

"We actually met them-"

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