Alone in the World

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1 Year Later

The village had been rebuilt, all the destroyed buildings and the flames weren't there anymore. Despite looking from the outside that nothing was wrong. Inside, you could still see that people hadn't forgotten about the Kyuubi, the demon who killed their loved ones and, most importantly, killed the fourth Hokage.

As people were walking around the street and busy doing their jobs and living their lives, The same couldn't be said for a baby crying in the orphanage.

The baby with red hair was crying. Despite being only a year old, Naruto could still say a few words and take a few steps, but that only worsened his situation.

Naruto was still tiny, but even he understood that he wasn't having the attention of anyone around him. Or if he did, he would get glares of hatred that made Naruto scared and sad.

Right now. Naruto was crying since he was alone in a room and there was no one else there. No other babies sleeping, just him. Suddenly the door opened, revealing a woman glaring at the 'demon brat' as everyone liked to call him.

Seeing someone, Naruto stopped crying and smiled at the woman; he was happy that someone had come for him despite having the cold feeling from her.

The woman got angry when he saw that the demon was smiling; that smile reminded her of her dead girl who died when the Kyuubi attacked. She glared at the monster, and his smile made her snap. She slapped him in the face.

Naruto immediately started crying and touching the place where it hurt. The woman smiled that she could break the demon and left the room. She Left Him to cry until he got tired. Naruto kept crying for 4 hours until he slept but woke up again after a few hours because he was hungry.

Naruto was given food only once or twice a day, But even then was given the bare minimum. If it were in the hands of people who worked there, they would let him starve, but the Hokage would visit once a month to check on him, and they knew. It would be dangerous to anger the Hokage. In the beginning, Hokage noticed from how Naruto looked like that he wasn't being fed. He had warned the people who worked in the orphanage to treat Naruto like the other children.

After three months

Naruto was crawling to the place where he knew they kept the food. His baby legs didn't make a sound, and he knew, if he was quiet, he could reach the room without anyone noticing. Naruto just hoped none of the other children would wake up in the middle of the night crying.

As Naruto reached the door, and was happy that no one was guarding it. At first, he couldn't reach the handle but then used a few books to reach it and slowly opened the door not to make a sound. Naruto looked inside and was even darker than it was in other rooms. The other room had windows, so the light of the moon brightened up the rooms slightly. This room had no windows that Naruto could see. He was scared, but he was hungry, so he swallowed a huge breath and decided to be brave and crawled slowly inside the darkroom.

Naruto slowly crawled to a jar with food that he knew the other children were fed with; he put his hands around the pot but couldn't move it. It was heavy for him. Naruto then tried to use his hands to open it where it was but to no success. He was disappointed, but he was hungry. His stomach started growling as to answer him.

Naruto tried again and again but had no success. Naruto felt tears in his eyes and decided to try one more time, and he started feeling something from his seal in the stomach. The seal started glowing red, and Naruto opened the jar. He smiled so much that even his eyes were smiling. Naruto felt the feel from his tummy but decided to ignore it.

Naruto then put his hand inside the jar and started eating with his little hands. That went on for almost an hour. Naruto then slowly closed the pot again and left the room quietly.

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