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My Idol, My Muse.



~Kim Jennie~

Everything is dark, total silence, one ... two ... three ..., I open my eyes and see my reflection in the mirror. My face can't express any more terror right now. -OK Jennie you have to calm down- I tell myself. My hands tremble, I dip them in water and wet my face.

I'm here in the YG Entertainment bathroom, where I've come to audition. I've done my routine over and over again at home, I don't know why I'm so nervous. Well actually I do know, this is the only chance to avoid the fate my mother has chosen for me. After having spent five years alone in New Zealand at that school from which only my friends take me positive, I have no desire to go to the United States to study alone there, Korea is my country and I feel that I have already been away for a long time.

Three girls enter into the bathroom, all three thin, stylized and with make up, they are like dolls. This does not improve the situation at all. I have come here in a simple black dress, white sneakers, no makeup, and my hair is just as nature allows me to have it, normal for a fifteen-year-old girl, right? I prefer to think that my simplicity and girlish face is the right thing for my age and I keep going over my routine in my head.

The time has come, I leave the bathroom and go to the practice room where the audition takes place, it is almost my turn. I sit on the bench in the hall to wait, my mother has not wanted to come, she does not trust that I'm doing the right thing. Suddenly I see a bustle and a crowd at the end of the hall, I go over to see what it is about. I can not be more perplexed, I knew that being here it was logical that I see him from time to time but I did not expect it to be so fast. It is the same Kwon Ji Yong, G-Dragon as everywhere know him.

He comes walking down the hall with the president. I can't believe he's staying to watch the audition !! I panic, I mean my idol, my bias inside BIGBANG, he's right here in front of me ... Wait, I think he's talking to me ... --- Hey little one, you have the shoelace loose, watch out, you could get hurt - That god tells me and I can only respond by nodding my head and making the most shameful bow of my life.

Finally he continues on his way, luckily he will not stay to see the audition. Suddenly I hear my name --- Jennie Kim, contender number 188, it's her turn! --- It comes out of the speaker, and I know that my life is about to change forever, I no longer just want to achieve this to evade my mother's plans, now I have another motive, and I am sure that I am strong enough to pass this ordeal.

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