I turn to see Fred on the ground, a huge black dog on top of him. I run to him quickly, making my way to get the dog off of him. As I approach, however, it's not what I expected, the dog is staring intensely at Fred, who looks stunned. Then the dog tilts its head, meeting my gaze. There stands the soft eyes of non other than my father.

He's back! He's alive! My dad! I've got to see my dad for the first time in two months!

I stand there frozen, unable to process what was happing. The dog sets off in a little run, heading straight towards the whomping willow. Without hesitation, I grab Freds arm, and run into the tree, following the dog through the passages.

When I enter the small room, the memory's begin to fly back, remembering the dreadful, yet one of the best days of my life. Getting my dad back.

And there he is, stood in human form, grinning madly at me.
"Dad!" I yell, running to him and wrapping him in a hug.
"I've missed you darling." He says, "and you Fredrick. You can come out from behind the door now. I've already told you about my permission granted."

Fred comes out slowly from behind the door, hands twirling nervously in front.
"Erm hello again. Nice to see you Mr Black." Me and my dad exchange glances, before bursting into laughter.

"Fred, you don't have to be so formal. Your a good kid." My dad says, walking over to him and exchanging a hand shake.

"So then." I turned to my dad, "where have you been?" He really didn't look well, he was mucky and looked like he hadn't eaten in days.

"Well I've just been around really, I've now got a place to stay, which is good, but everyone wants me to stay indoors and not go out. And well, your my daughter I had to come and see you, and that boyfriend of yours." He finished by pointing to Fred. "Which, by the way, I want words with, as I'm aware you know that I've had a little contact with Harry."

"Dad stop. Nothing happened and he's not my boyfriend." I declare.
"So you guys wouldn't have kissed if I had interrupted?" He asks. Fred rubs his neck nervously, waiting for me to answer.
Receiving no reply my father starts to laugh had before gaining back his mentality.

"Seriously, when are you going to learn? Just date already." He says.
"Erm dad, can we talk about this later please."
"Yes ok. I'm holding it to you though. Anyway I must go, so be sure to write to me, to tell me about the tournament." He handed me an address on parchment.

We exchanged one more hug as he shifted back into a dog, looking up at me.

"WEASLEY, WOOD! WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN THE FOREST. DETENTION!" Snape called stomping up to us. The dog growled as he approached.

"What's wrong Snivellus." I laughed, remembering the name my dad and his friends called him. I had to elbow Fred to stop him from laughing.
"I'm still digging your purple hair by the way." I laugh.

"DETENTION Wood." He says plainly.
"Professor, I think you may have forgotten that I'm already in detention twice." I laugh.

"You and Mr Weasley will attend detention tonight an hour after the feast. Be a minute late and forever regret. Now go."

I turned to Padfoot, to see him wink at me, before turning on my heel, grabbing the silent laughing ginger, and pulled him towards the castle.

Time skip:
I was sat in the library, my head in a book for a change. I'd never really studied hard, in fact, I wasn't even studying. Hermione had lent me one of her muggle books and I have to say it was rather funny to read about.

The way they described the many creatures we see daily, it was funny how they were depicted.
Suddenly I felt the couch dip down at the side of me. A tall boy laughed when I jumped at the shock.
"Hey Ced. You alright?" I asked politely.
"I'm chipper. How are you? How's it going with you and...... Fred?" He whispered the last word.
"What? I don't know what your talking about, we're best friends." I laugh awkwardly.

Pregnant by a Weasley: FredxreaderWhere stories live. Discover now