Chapter 28- train ride

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"Lee shut it!" I shout, releasing myself from Freds grasp, "he's joking."
He rolls his eyes at the two of us before turning back to George.

I then am pulled into the memory of the conversation the boys were having when I walked in. I look around knowing that he's told Lee.
"I'm hurt" I announce grabbing my chest dramatically, "you've really told these bozos and not me!" I say looking towards Fred. He doesn't seem to get my joke so just sits there awkwardly. "I'm kidding Fred, you can tell me when you feel like it, I don't understand why you won't tell me though, I won't tell anyone, I think I'm pretty trustworthy and I don't speak to many people other than you guys.

WAIT hang on! I know who it is!"
Fred looks petrified as he awaits what I'm about to say.
"You like HERMIONE!"
Fred looks slightly relieved as laughter is released into the room.
"No you dipshit!" He says to me laughing. He pulls me towards him and sits me on his lap. I look at him raising an eyebrow.
"I don't think that's a good idea, Freddie, do you?" I say sarcastically, remembering the journey here.

I stand up laughing as the other two boys snigger at Freds embarrassed expression.
"Seriously though Fred, I know I tease you but I know you love me really. So when your ready to tell me, I'm here!" I say now seriously.
"I know Y/N" he replies.
"She gonna burst" I hear George laugh.
"Come on Y/N I know you hate people keeping secrets from you but there's a reason, we can't tell you what but your gonna love it!" Lee says.
"Fine" I say, sighing and looking out the window.

After a while George and Lee are asleep on the opposite side to me and Fred. I'm tired but I can't get comfy anywhere. Fred noticed and so picks me up as he lays his legs onto where I was sitting, placing me in the middle of his legs, my head laying on his chest. It was so comfy. "Thanks Freddie" I whisper before falling asleep. Just before I hear him whisper. "Anything for you my love".

"Click" a bright flash causes me to flutter my eyes open. Taking in my surroundings I see George once again holding a camera, with Lee laughing in the back. I then realise that I'm covered with a jacket and oh my lord, I'm laid on Freds chest.

I immediately jump up and the same goes for Fred and I try and reach the camera George is holding. It doesn't work he's too tall. "These are the people that reckon they don't like each other" he says to Lee.
"Young love" Lee mocks. I look over at Fred blushing again slightly. He gets up and chases George around until he grabs the photo, out of the corner of my eye, I see him smiling as he observes it, only to pocket it.
It must be to throw it away later.

The remainder of the ride back to Hogwarts consists of constant teasing of me and Fred by non other than the two people I consider my brothers.

Walking up to the castle I'm exhausted and am struggling to keep up with the boys fast paces. Fred notices and picks me up, placing me on his hip and I wrap my arms around his neck.
"Thanks Freddie." I mumble into his shoulder.
He's always so kind and considerate. We make our way inside and into the Great hall, everyone staring at me and Fred. I wonder why?

He lets me off his back and we sit on the long griffindor table, Fred next to me and across from George and Lee.
"Welcome students" Dumbledore beams down. "Welcome to another magical year at Hogwarts and to some of you that may be your last."
"Woo!" I cheer
He looks down on our group laughing at me as the whole hall turns round to face me laughing with me. Freds eyes fall on me and he laughs shaking his head at me.
"Yes that's right Y/N, woo! Only two years for you. I won't have to put up with the constant troubles you, Mr Jorden and the twins make." everyone laughs.
"You love us really" you shout, "never a dull moment!"
"That's quite right Miss Wood"
"Anyway, I want to announce a very special event happening this year,
The triwizard tournament!"
"Your joking" me and Fred scream at the same time.
"No I'm not joking Miss Wood , Mr Weasley!"
Dumbledore begins to explain the tournament.
Just then a loud crack of thunder bellows through the sky as the doors swing open.
"My lord, it's Mad eye Moody!" Someone says up the table.
"Bloody hell! The auror?" Another says.
His glass eye scans the room before landing directly one me, I gulp as he doesn't break contact.

Pregnant by a Weasley: FredxreaderKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat