Chapter 27- nightmare

Start from the beginning

I then remember that my whole family is in the room and turn around to see them all wide eyed and mum runs over to me almost crushing me in a hug. Y/N just sits there being bombarded by questions, from the girls. She just sits confused. I don't say anything and instead just lean back into Y/N, she just looks down at me, whispering in my ear.

"What the fuck was that about?" I don't answer, I just laugh. After everyone has left the room I help her up. She just looks at me with a confused expression as I start to speak.
"Sorry but you came to my room last night and begged me to sleep with you." I say, trying to keep my face as straight as possible. Her eyes widen and she turns a deep red colour.

I burst out laughing.
"Look I'm sorry, I'm joking. I had a nightmare and for some reason I found myself here. I was so scared so I just got in with you. I have no idea why I kissed you this morning, I don't know what came over me, especially with most of my family watching. All I know is I liked it but I'm sorry"

She looks at me with sympathy so I continue,
"And I was so worried about you, and seeing you like that last night it just made me panic and I'm sorry."

Without warning she slammed her lips into mine making us fall back onto the bed. What was a simple kiss became a heavy make out session when we pull away gasping for air. She looked slightly embarrassed. " sorry I don't know what came over me" she said, mimicking my actions from earlier, with a cocky tone. I laugh and help her get her trunk, leading her down the stairs.

We walk downstairs and all eyes fall on us.
"Freddie dear, you might want to go and wash your face." My mum said.
"What why?" I ask, I walk over to the mirror and see lipstick smothered my mouth. Y/N starts laughing as I blush terribly, and I can tell everyone noticed. "You know Freddie, pink is defiantly your colour." Y/N laughs.
I put my middle finger up as I leave the room to wash my face, slightly laughing at how alike me and the girl are.

"Well I guess this is goodbye Wood." Charlie says, pulling her into him. She laughs and walks into his embrace, he places a slip of paper in her hand and whispers "my address in Romania, write to me."
She blushes and walks away, turning to face Bill.

Bill smiles down at her and squeezes her tightly, "I'll see you soon sis. I'm coming home for Christmas but you'll want to stay this year, so I'll see you Easter."
"Why will I want to stay?" She asks confused.

"Let's just say I wish I was going back this year." Laughed Charlie.

"What why?"

"You'll see Wood. You'll see. And good luck as Captain this year. Both England and Gryffindor will do well." Charlie says.

"What!" I shout. She was captain?
"Surprise Freddie." She laughs holding out the captains badge in her pocket. "My brother finally came to his senses.

"GEORGE!" I scream, resulting in a panicked brother and the rest of the family entering the room.
"Fred why are you screaming?" Asked my mum.
"Y/N'S CAPTAIN!" I scream.
The whole room cheers and George runs over to Y/N spinning her around in the air.

"Oh yes, sorry dear I forgot, I'll have to put it on next to your other badge." Mum smiles.

Y/N blushes red at my questioning of "other badge."

When Y/N doesn't answer Mum walks over to the side and hands me a badge reading 'prefect'.

"Who in their right mind made you a prefect?" George laughs.
Y/N scoffs before taking the badge and hiding it in her pocket.
Mum quickly grasps the badge before putting it on Y/N's uniform, where Y/N looks disgusted.

Time skip.....
We all cram into the muggle car, not enough seats for everyone. We are two short.

"Dad there's not enough room!" Percy shouts.
"You'll have to make do!" Dad screams back. "Fred, George, sit the girls on your knee!"

George places Ginny on his knee and I decide that I should probably do the same so I grab Y/N and sit her on my knee. She seems unsure by my actions but goes with it. She keeps wriggling in excitement of seeing Lee, but that doesn't do a very good job for me. Oh no. I can feel my self tightening, crap I really hope she doesn't notice! I start to breathe rapidly trying to contain myself. She noticed.

Because she seems uncomfortable and George looks over to us covering Ginnys eyes. He sees my face red and starts to laugh. Y/N starts to laugh as well making it more obvious and even worse. She doesn't turn in my direction; probably to spare my embarrassment but continues to laugh with George and now Ginny, who seems to be in a deep non vocal conversation with Y/N, based on the looks they are giving each other.

When we pull up to the station I still havent sorted out my little problem, when Y/N jumps off, I am left in the car with George. He starts laughing, gasping for breath. "Liked that mate didn't you?" George asked.
"Piss off and help me out would you?" I reply.
"Mate there's nothing you can do to stop that!" He laughed. "God wait until I tell Lee."
"You better not!" I scream.
"Fred mate there's no harm in it, she's your girlfriend after all, nothing wrong bout being turned on by her." He laughs.

"Oh crap, I forgot to tell you. We aren't dating George. She wanted Mark and Toby of her back so we decided that I should step in." I admit. George smirks before mumbling something on his way out, "whatever you say Freddie."

I walked out of the car and see Y/N laughing with Ginny and Hermione, she's so pretty. Oh my god this is not helping my situation what so ever!

"May wanna sort yourself out there mate" I hear a voice say.
"Lee!" Y/N screams and runs into the brown haired boys arms. They share an embrace until they both make their way over to us. Lee begins laughing even more.
"Seen something you like there Fred?" He laughs. I stay silent.
"Come on Fred, you gotta tell me." He elbows me playfully.
"Let's just say we didn't have enough seats in the car and Nobel Fred here offered to have Y/N on his knee" George said.
Immediately I fell red. My face covered, I've never been this embarrassed. Lee starts sniggering along with George until he comes up to me. He's only 5,7 so he's a lot smaller than me and George, but still likes to think of himself as quite intimidating.

"I'm telling you now Fredrick! It's fine to have fun and jokes but you lay one hand on my girl and your dead!" He says seriously, he was extremely overprotective of Y/N, almost acting like a big brother. Y/N drags him back to remind him that I wouldn't ever hurt her.

We say goodbye to my mum who Y/N thanks for letting her stay, yet again. When she gets around to hugging me she whispers, "tell Y/N how you feel before it's too late, she's a good one that one and you'll realise that she's grown up a lot over the summer, every boy will be after her." I didn't even try and deny what she was implying. Instead I shot up grabbed Y/N's hand and began running through he platform.

Hey guys, hope you enjoyed this chapter sorry it's a little shorter but it's important to the plot. I know that Percy in the books has already left school but I wanted to keep him in the story. I also know that there's no quidditch due to the tournament but again, I wanted to keep it in.
Hope everyone's well. Xx

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