48. Stay

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Ignore the mistakes plz
Long ass and boring chap

Third person pov

Taehyung looks at the exhausted jungkook who was lying on the bed. He saw the deep cuts scattered on his arms and the bandages wrapped around his bare body and he started feeling heavy again.

He saw as jungkook stiffened on the bed and he gets the nervous pheromones from him again. Taehyung was worried now-- and was thinking if he should just leave because he didn't want to distress the already tired male but decided against it.

Jungkook tries to push himself into a sitting position but flinched when the pain in his arm increases because of applying too much pressure.

Taehyung was immediately besiede him, helping him sit up as he placed a pillow behind him.

Jungkook nervously fiddled with his fingers and taehyung sighed.

He sat down on the tiny bed, back facing jungkook who had his eyes fixed on his lap.

"Why...." Taehyung whispers after a while of silence.

Jungkook grows a little more anxious and he continuosly told himself that taehyung wasn't gonna remain with him forever, he was going to leave after speaking.

"Why did you do this?" Taehyung whispered even though he already knows the answer.

Jungkook was contemplating on telling him the truth and decided not to lie to the person he loves.

"I-i want my mom and dad." Jungkook mumbled below his breath. His voice sounded so vulnerable that taehyung had to bite his lip to hold back his sobs.

"Didn't you think about us before you did this?" Taehyung asked softly.

"Y-y'all don't care for me so....I thought you wouldn't care if I did thi-"

Taehyung gets up abruptly making jungkook stop talking and snap his head towards him looking at him with wide, confused eyes when he sees that taehyung's eyes were filled with tears.

"Wouldn't care?! If we didn't care then would jimin and yoongi be crying their eyes out right now?! Would yoongi be scared to face you?! Would I feel like--this if I didn't care?! Would I feel so useless for letting you suffer like this?" Taehyung yells and starts sobbing, making jungkook panick.

Jungkook looked everywhere but not at taehyung, scared that he would say something else which might upset him more.

Taehyung goes closer to jungkook and holds him by his shoulder, making him face him.

"Tell me kook......tell me what you were feeling when you did all this." Taehyung whispers, sniffling.

And those words were enough for jungkook to break down. He wrapped his arms around taehyung's waist, burying his head on his chest as he sobbed out.

He sobbed because of the lonliness he had felt in the past few days. The feeling of having no one around him, no one to ask him if he's fine, no one to check if he's over the fact of his parents' death or not-- it was terrible.

He hated every second of it.

Unconsciously he pulled taehyung unto the bed, laying him down beside himself as he continued to painfully sob, And taehyung let him.

"I-i felt l-lonely and s-sad.....i-i didn't like it" he said in between his sobs making taehyung's heart clench. Taehyung rubbed jungkook's back soothingly as he lovingly cradled him to his chest.

Jungkook took out every frustration he had. He cried and cried while telling taehyung how sad he was. Taehyung kept quiet the whole time. He wanted this-- he wanted jungkook to take out what he's been trying to hide from everyone.

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