35. Intention

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Ignore the mistakes plz

Third person pov

Taehyung falls on the ground because of tripping from a branch. He let's out a small grunt because of the pain coming from his twisted ankle.

He snaps his head upwards when he hears a small whimper. He couldn't see anybody but was sure that their was somebody nearby-- he could hear the heartbeat and smell the sweet scent of an omega.

He got up with great difficulty and limped his way towards the direction he could hear the heartbeat.

"Is anyone here?" He asks, softly.

He hears another whimper and thenthe soft rustle of the leaves from behind a certain bush.

He frowns when he sees a male omega sitting behind the bush.

"G-go away. P-please don't hurt me." The omega mutters.

Taehyung crouches beside him making him flinch and scoot away.

"Hey, hey, I'm not going to do anything to you.......but why are you here? Who are you?"

"I-i'm Kim seokjin.....from redwood pack."

Taehyung eyebrows raise in realisation. He had heard about seokjin, the beautiful omega brother of Chanyeol.

"Why are you here?" He asks, softly.

"I came here to meet my mate, Kim namjoon and stop him from attacking his pack.....I knew something was going to go wrong. I could feel his stress through the bond. I-i met him after he had already attacked the pack a-and h-he said....." Jin starts crying before he completes the sentence.

"Shh shh calm down." Taehyung softly rubs the elder's back to calm him down.

"....h-he said that those other rogues ended up killing his parents." He says and starts crying again remembering the terribly disappointed and sad face of his mate.

Kim namjoon...... jungkook's brother?

"Why are you crying then? Didn't he want this?" Taehyung asks, confused.

"No! He didn't! He would never want something like this to happen! He loved them even if he had lived away from them for so many years!" Jin yells and sobs.

"then why did he do it?" Taehyung scoffs and continues, "don't act like one of those people who can't see any wrong in their mate."

Jin sighs, sniffling, and says,

"He did it because his group members forced him to help him. He wasn't the one who killed them anyway...... But he watched them die infront of his eyes."

So......he didn't want it?

He did wrong by blindly following what the people told him to do.....but he didn't want it, did he?

His intention wasn't wrong, and that is the thing which matters more than he actions do. So......he shouldn't be considered bad.

"Look, Jin, I'm going to go now. You can go back home or to rafflesia pack they'll let you-"

"No! I'm going to stay here until my mate comes." he says, stubbornly and taehyung sighs. There was nothing he could do about him so he gets up to leave but winced because of the pain in his ankle.

Jin notices this. He holds taehyung's hand and pulls him back to the ground, making him sit before holding his ankle and twisting it to the other side making taehyung give out a shriek.

"You're not supposed to ignore stuff like that. It only increases pain."

.....true. if only I hadn't ignored jungkook all the while then I wouldn't be feeling the emotional pain that I am feeling now.

"Who are you?" Jin asks softly.

"Kim taehyung."

"Your rank......? I can't really identify it."

"I'm a moonwolf." Taehyung decided to tell him honestly because he didn't have a wish to lie-- he was going to die soon anyway.

Jin's jaw falls open in shock. He suddenly cluthched taehyung's hand and looked at him with teary eyes.

"Please don't let anything happen to my mate-- please save him. Trust me, he didn't want this. H-he-"

"Don't worry, hyung. I'll not anything happen to him."

Taehyung doesn't waste another second and gets up to leave.

I will not let anything wrong happen anybody. Who cares if I have to end up dying-- I was meant to die like this anyway.


Jk pounces on the other wolf, growling loudly and threateningly.

He thrown off to the other side harshly and namjoon's wolf jumped on him and bit his neck, trying to tear it off the body but he couldn't because jk bit his leg suddenly making him whimper and move away from him.

They both were really tired. It had been so long since they started fighting but they couldn't defeat each other-- they were both equally strong, skillful and angry.

They both stand a little away from each other now-- inhaling deeply, their knees buckling-- both were close to passing out but both remained conscious, their anger not reducing even a single bit.

They couldn't seem to forget the imgaes that were fixed ino their minds.

The corspe of the numerous people lying on the floor while their loved ones cried their heart out-- jungkook couldn't forget the way the pained cries periced through the quiet atmospehere as they mourned for their loss.

Whereas namjoon couldn't remove the image of jungkook killing every single of his second family member.

Both their blood boiled in anger but they couldn't take it out-- couldn't kill the person they are angry at.

And that was frustrating them.

And that frustration made them feel a little stir inside them-- their powers begging to be released.


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