23. Light

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Ignore the mistakes plz

Third person pov

Baekhyun tore apart the long dress which he was wearing, so he could move around more easily.

The sound of the clashing swords weren't heard because of the loud music from downstairs.

Taehyung and baekhyun went on fighting, defeated almost half of the rogues but there were many left.

Taehyung wasn't given a chance to even pick up a sword (the one which belonged to the defeated-- unconscious rogues). He had to dodge every attack thrown at him and had to trick the person he was fighting against-- so the person would end up hurting themself.

It wasn't easy at all, especially because all of the rogues were very powerful and it was difficult to defeat them but he could still defeat more than half of the people

He bends down, dodging a hit and kicks the rogue-- who he was presently fighting against -- on his shin, making the person groan in pain.

He kicks him again, harder this time, on his chest which made him let out a girly scream because damn, it hurt to be kicked by those heels

Taehyung pinned him to the floor, choking him, as he smirks at the person who starts coughing, trying to breathe.

"Y-you......d-don't..look l-like an alpha.."

Taehyung leans down, holding his neck tighter and says in a deep husky voice,

"I'm much better than an ordinary alpha."

The guy passes out right after that and taehyung lets him go, picking up the guy's sword, sighing out because he wouldn't have to kick people anymore because he had a sword now.

He looks at baekhyun who was struggling to fight with more than 5 people at the same time.

He frowns because these rogues never came to fight him in groups, only singly-- like as if assuming that he is very easy to win against.

"Hey!" He yells, and grabs a naked person  by he arm, pulling him away from baekhyun.

He swung his sword, injuring the rogue's leg, making him fall on the floor, grunting and cursing at him.

He leaves the guy there-- assuming that he won't be able to do anything else because he is injured and then helps baekhyun defeat the other rogues

He sighs after the last rogue fell in unconscious on the ground

"Tae, you're.....hurt." baekhyun says worriedly.

"I'm fine, baek. Don't worry."

They flinch when they hear the sound of glass breaking and turn around to find a rogue-- the guy who was injured on his leg because of taehyung's attack but wasn't unconscious-- who had just broken the glass case of the book.

Baekhyun gasped, taking a step forward to stop the rogue from taking away the book but was stopped buy a hold on his wrist.

"Tae, let me go or else he'll take the book!"

Taehyung shakes his head, continually looking forward at the guy who was struggling to even pick the book up.

They watch as the rogue tries different ways to pick the book up but failed everytime.

"It really can protect itself......." Taehyung says and smiles. He lets go of baekhyun's hand who immediately hit the rogue with the back of his sword, making him loose his consciousness.

Baekhyun places a hand on the book and then tries to pick it up but just like the rogue, he failed too.

"Why is it so fucking heavy?!" Baekhyun grunts, then let goes of the book, looking at taehyung with disbelief.

They hear loud noises from outside the window.

"There are more of them.... probably coming up here because the previous rogues-- who are all unconscious now-- haven't returned yet." He says

"What should we do.....we definitely can't fight more because we are already very tired."

"Let's take the book to rafflesia."

"How? The book is so damn heavy." Baekhyun says and look at taehyung with a confused expression when the other took small steps towards the book.

Taehyung raises his hand, moving it closer and closer to the book

"There is no way you're-" baekhyun yelps-- before he could complete his sentence-- when a bright light filled the room as soon as taehyung's hand came in contact with the book.

Taehyung stares at the book in awe, lifting it up effortlessly.

Baekhyun gasps

"How did you do that?!" He says, looking at him with surprise and disbelief-- because he himself couldn't pick the book up.

"I don't know.....but that doesn't matter now because we need to leave before those rogues climb up their ladder and come in here."

Taehyung puts the book inside the black bag which he had brought along, the light from the book fading away as soon as it lost contact with his skin.

He uses the same ladder which the rogues had used to climb up. He jumped down when there were about two more steps left and held the ladder firmly, waiting for baekhyun to climb down.

They run in the opposite direction from where the loud noises of talking was coming from.

Baekhyun was right behind taehyung, running while gasping for air, every once in awhile turning around to see if they were being followed.

'we're taking the book to rafflesia. Come there after the party is over' he mindlinks jungkook


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