Thirty Three Part Four

Start from the beginning

"I would have liked to have seen that....," Betsy sighed mournfully, "Why do these things not happen when I can appreciate them for myself?"

"I could do it again for you." Violet offered hopefully.

"Nay," she shook her head slightly, "'Twould not be the same, I will just have to take your word for it, and wish I had been there." She patted his shoulder and danced away from him.

"I really would not mind." Violet assured her as climbed from the bed, dragging the sheet with him, he wrapped it around his waist, tucking in the end to hold it there, as he followed her.

"I would mind, however, as it seems you two eventually came to an understanding?" Betsy queried, as Vi veered off towards the other room.

Violet chuckled, as he made his way to the bathing room, rubbing his knuckles again, "Eventually, yes, we did indeed come to an understanding."

"Good, I was hoping you would." Elizabeth sat down at the vanity once more, to pull on her stockings, as she waited for Violet to become presentable.


Alfred and Terese returned from an afternoon of window browsing, then taking tea at a reputable tea shop.

Upon entering the mansion, they both noticed an unusual amount of activity throughout the home.

Ruthe was calling out orders, as the servants were bustling about like bees, swarming their hive.

"Mother," Terese went to her and took her hand, "What is happening?" Terese had her suspicions, but no, please, it was too soon.

"We have to go, my darling," Ruthe saw the dismay in her daughter's eyes, "Your father received a telegram, it is urgent we return home. We must be gone from here before the week is out."

Terese closed her eyes and sighed, it always happened this way, her father's business dictating where they were, and when they departed.

Terese turned to look at a confused Alfred, she went back to him and laid her hand upon his arm, as he took her other hand into his.

"We have to go home, sooner than we had planned," Her eyes gazing up at Alfred held remorse, "I will have packing to do, but I would be very happy to see you as much as I can until we leave."

Terese's eyes were beseeching, whether in hopes he would understand, or act in some way, Alfred did not know.

"What about us?" Alfred asked her softly.

Terese placed her palm against his cheek, "That would be up to you, Alfred."

She removed her hand and pressed a kiss there instead, "You must know how I feel by now."

Terese left him to ponder her words, as she climbed the staircase that led to her rooms.

"Terese," Alfred called up to her, "Will I see you this evening?" His upturned face hopeful, he awaited her reply.

"Six thirty, Alfred, do not be late." She smiled saucily at him, as she hoped he heard the instructions of a wife in her voice, and would act accordingly.

Alfred grinned at her retreating form. He knew what must be done, and he was more than willing to comply.


Jude slipped the rings from Gwendolyn's cold fingers. He took the slim golden chain and medallion from around her neck, dropping all the pieces into a small, drawstring bag.

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