Chapter 21- Caught in the act

Start from the beginning

I looked and saw that she was still in her gorgeous dress, there was no way I was letting her sleep in that. I jumped up and she looked confused. I walked over to my dresser and found my green jumper my mum had made me for Christmas, a big letter F hung on the front. I passed it to her and she looked thrilled. That made me feel good, she obviously wanted to wear it and it made me feel happy to know that.

I turned around wanting to give her some space when I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around to see her lifting her arms.
"I can't get out of it myself!" She said embarrassed. She looked so cute. God Fred, come on, you've seen her changing at quidditch practice before.

It was different this time. We didn't have 7 other people looking over at us, it was just me and her. Laughing, I pulled the dress over her head and honestly tried not to look. I noticed my eyes had a mind of their own, however.

Quickly I got the green jumper and pulled it down over her. She looked amazing. It was huge on her. It came half way down to her thigh and it hung from her loosely. Admiring her for a second more I placed a kiss on her cheek. I don't know what came over me, but looking at her, a big smile had formed on her face.

I laid again in bed, my hands out yet again. She climbed on to the bed and into my embrace. I pulled the covers over us and she rested her head on my chest. I was taken back with how comfortable she was with me as I lay my arms around her waist. "I have to say, you look amazing in my clothes Y/N, better than me! And that's hard to beat."
She laughed her cute little laugh, and said,
"Thank you, good night Freddie" as she once again relaxed into my arms.
"Good night you"
She laid her head on my chest, snuggling into my embrace.
Why did she make me nervous? She never has done before? Did I just ruin the year of friendship we have formed?

Time skip... next morning.

Y/N POV...
I woke up to the sound of banging on the door and I felt a hand slip from my waist obviously reacting the same way. I looked over and realised that Fred sat at the side of me shirtless. He wore the same surprised expression I wore on my face. Oh god, what did we do?

The banging continued and Mollys voice could be heard. "Fred get up. Y/N's missing!" She screamed. Oh crap.
What are we going to do. Fred looked over to me and the door swung open revealing Molly. She looked fuming at Fred, then her eyes returned to me and shock was plastered across her face. Her face softened and without warning the rest of the Weasley family, and Hermione walked into the room. "Finally" Molly said with a slight laugh, a smile beaming across her face. "George you owe my 3 sickles!"

The other Weasleys were laughing at mine and Freds red faces, we never glanced at each other knowing the situation would be far worse. "Well breakfasts ready you two love birds" she mocked.

With that the rest of the weasleys apart from George left the room, still sniggering. George looked the happiest in years. I stood up, extremely embarrassed and George's eyes darted down my body to Fred baggy jumper hanging down.

"Get up to no good last night did you Fred" he laughed, his eyes straight to his brother. I knew Fred was laughing, smiling deeply. I turned around and he quickly wiped the smug look off his face and replaced it with a sorry look. "On a serious note George, no we didn't for that matter. I just let her stay in my bed, and I wasn't going to let her sleep uncomfortably in that dress." He said calmly looking over to the dress that hung on the chair.

"So your telling me that you stepped out of the room whilst she changed?" George replied looking directly at me. I saw Fred blush, and I did the same. George began laughing hysterically. I honestly wish that I could forget what happened last night, but I could remember everything clearly, and on the look of Freds face,he could too.

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