Chapter 19- Charlies in charge

Start from the beginning

Slightly calmer he took my hand and pulled himself out of the cold water, before immediately pulling me into a hug, getting soaking wet yet again. He laughed and booped me on the nose before laying an arm around my waist, pulling me in as we walked towards the burrow. We passed Charlie, who continues to glare and Bill, who he gave a smug grin towards Freds arm around my waist, as he led me inside. The two boys staring at the sight. I felt slightly embarrassed, why was Fred acting this way towards me? I know he's my best friend but he rarely ever is this close? Nor does he act that way towards his brothers.

Skip to breakfast:

"Y/N dear are you ok?" A kind voice asked across the table, I immediately recognised it as Molly. Her words snapped me out of my thoughts as I looked over to her across the table. "Sorry yes, I'm fine thank you, just thinking, the foods amazing Molly" I replied as I stuffed my face with my bacon cob. I looked to my right and see Fred staring at me, not flinching once when he saw me looking. His eyes never left my lips. I pretended not to notice as it was making me feel awkward.

Unsure what to do, I turned back to my left to see that George had a huge grin on his face as he looked in between me and Fred. What on Earth was happening this morning?

"Well kids" this time it was Arthur to speak up. "Me and your mother are going to catch up with some old friends for a couple of days, so it's Charlie in charge as he's the oldest" he said to us all. Arthur was like a second dad to me and Molly grew to become more and more like my mum everyday, she was so caring and didn't care that I wasn't her child. I noticed that Charlie and Fred shared a stern look against one another as they then both turned around to face me.

Unsure how to react I quickly turned to Ginny. "Hey Gin we should go and get dressed, I have a feeling there may be a party going down tonight" I whispered laughing. She gestured towards the door and we bid Molly goodnight and a safe trip as we rushed up the stairs.

After chatting and playing board games for most of the day with Ginny, it was nearing 6pm, which meant that Molly and Arthur would be leaving soon. I turned to Ginny and told her that we should start getting ready. We packed away the games and did exactly that.

Rummaging through my trunk I pulled out a lavender coloured dress. I took it into the bathroom and examined it in the mirror. It hung to all my curves and although it showed some skin, not too much. I had no idea where the dress had came from, I walked back to my trunk and pulled out a note, "Y/N, I saw this dress the other day and thought you might like it, all my love, Uncle Moony" it was gorgeous! Uncle Moony had offered for me to stay at his house this summer, but I declined. Well, Fred declined for me, which also made my uncle laugh. I was however, going to stay with him next summer, I made a promise to him. I was going to make a point of staying at his at Christmas. Immediately i ran back into the bathroom, placing it over my head. The lilac sparkled in the sun, and it clung to my hips. It fell mid thigh, and left a little cleavage revealed at the top. It really was perfect. For some reason, all I could think about was seeing Fred. Would he like it? Would he think it's too revealing? I know I like Fred, but there's no point, he sees me as a best friend, even a sister.

I wished that I was closer to Fred. I wanted to be with him. But he has made it clear before that we are just friends, and I love him too much to lose him.

I walked out of the bathroom to see Ginny in a black dress that elegantly flowed outwards, she looked stunning. I recognised it as the one that I had bought her, on the first day I met her. She also had the heels on. "Ginny, you look stunning, wow I really do pick well. If you weren't interested in Harry, I'd turn gay to see you in that." I laughed. Ginny was bisexual, and often spoke about her liking of both Harry and Luna. I then turned to see Hermione who had heard the plan and joined us, she was wearing a crimson red dress that ran down to her feet. "You look gorgeous too Hermione! Ron wont be able to take his eyes off you in that!" They turned to me, "Y/N! That dress is absolutely stunning! You look hot!" Ginny complimented.
"Freds going to be so shocked when he sees you!" After doing makeup and hair I settled with a messy bun. It was sexy but still appropriate so that I didn't feel over dressed.

"What do you mean? Why would I care what Fred thought?" I asked, knowing full well what they were implying. Quick Y/N play dumb.

"Y/N, you do realise that, that boy is head over heels for you! He'd follow you into the forbidden forest if it meant he'd be with you!" Ginny laughed.

"Don't be silly Ginny, we are best friends, nothing less, nothing more." I said sternly.
"Alright, whatever you say" she laughed. She could read me like a book.

We walked down the stairs to he greeted by Bill and Charlie. "So Y/N, you ready for a game of truth or dare? Or are you scared?" Bill asked, his eyes never leaving my body. I rolled my eyes unsure of what to do. Meanwhile Charlie was looking me up and down, obviously ignoring the conversation. It was weird for Bill and Charlie to act like this, they've always acted like my older brothers. It's kind of freaking me out. Was I wearing something wrong? The girls said that it looked alright.

The silence was disturbed by the twins screaming in union "got the vertitersium!" Both pairs of eyes immediately fell upon me and they made their way into the kitchen where we were all standing waiting eagerly. "My best friend looks awesome!" George shouted running over to me and giving me a bone crushing hug. "You clean up well yourself George" I added laughing at George's yellow meme shirt. I looked over to see Fred, who looked like he had just seen a ghost. I rushed to his side. "Freddie what's wrong?" I asked worriedly. I noticed he hadn't taken his eyes off of me. "I can go and change?" I added.
"What no, you look amazing Y/N" he replied snapping away from the trance. George and the others were also looking at me funny, was I really wearing something bad? Was it to revealing?

Hey everyone. Hope you liked this chapter. I found this one quite funny to write. Wow, two chapters in one day, must be a lucky day 😂😂

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