Part 27 - Moving and Rescue

Start from the beginning

They all looked down in shame. Destiny got ready to fight.

"I hold them back, you get the fuck out of here.", she said.

Dareth wanted to join, Destiny glared at him.

"I don't need help from incompetent idiots like you ! Scram !"

With that they started to sprint of and Destiny held them back, dealing and messing Powers with Mister E too. Suddenly a metal hand punched Mister E and he slammed into rubble.

Karlof. The Master of Metal.

"Thank you, Karlof.", Destiny said.

"Is no problem. I gladly help friend.", he replied.

"Karlof ?!", Nya said in happiness.

A shadow appeared and out of it stepped Shade the Master of Shadows.

"Hello gorgeous~", he said.

Nya turned to him and smiled.

Destiny smiled. Then a flash of white appeared and knocked out a few other people.

"It's been a while. But it looks like. You. Could use. Our help.", said Griffin Turner the Master of speed.

"The Elemental Masters.", Lloyd said happily.

Destiny thanked Mistake in her head that they made it. Then they heard a trash car pulling up and they all ran to it.

"Get in.", said Skylor.

"Skylor !", Lloyd said happily.

"How did you know ?", Nya asked her.

"Let's just say we had an ear to the ground.", Skylor said.

Destiny smirked. Mistake...

With that they all jumped in and were off.

"And you said we were alone in this, but we have friends.", Nya told Lloyd, who was happy now again.

Destiny hissed in pain suddenly and her eyes turned white again.

"Destiny ?!", Lloyd yelled in worry, but she didn't hear him.

They all looked at her in worry and panic. What is happening with her ?

With Destiny...

She stood behind Lord Garmadon.

"Why did you call me here ?", she asked him.

He kept silent and then something clicked.

"How did you even remember, how to summon me ?!", she yelled at her little Brother.

"I...I don't know... I just wanted to talk to you.", he said.

"I am not talking to you, if Harumi is near you. She doesn't have to know any of this."

"She is not here. I gave her another job. We are safe.", he said.

"What is this place ?", she asked him.

"My room.", Garmadon answered.

Destiny crossed her arms in front of her chest and started at his back.

"Well I don't have all day. You know that."

"I...I wanted to say...That I forgive you. I said it before, but I guess you already vanished before I said it. I am sorry, for making you feel useless. I...I just have the feeling that I need your help this time. I can't remember anything. I don't know how to trigger them. I don't know where to go and how to do it, Destiny. I fear that I might make a mistake, if you aren't with me."

She uncrossed her arms and stared at him in shock and guilt. Then she looked away.

"I don't know either. I fear that I could make it worse, like last time. I don't know what is right, Garmadon. I am guessing here."

"I am sorry... I make you feel even more unsure of the situation...", he said guiltily.

"I get where you are from, Brother. I need time to think about it. I will return and tell you my thoughts. I don't have much time left anymore."

"Destiny ?"


"Yes ?", she asked.

"I...I love you, big Sister.", he said slowly and unsure.

Destiny smiled softly at him.

"You know, that I love you too, little Brother."

He turned around and smiled a sad smile at her. Then her image flickered and he lost his smile, knowing their time is up. She also frowned and then disappeared.

With the rest again....

Destiny gasped awake and her eyes rolled back to normal.

"Destiny !!", everyone yelled and embraced her, besides Skylor she still drove.

"What is wrong guys ?", she asked them.

"Your eyes were white and you didn't react to any of us.", Lloyd said.

"Oh...", Destiny said.

"What was wrong ?"

"Nothing. Just a Blackout again. Happens. Being a Vampire, open eyes are normal.", she lied.


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