Chapter 6- gryffindor!

Start from the beginning

"Fine Freddie. I'll be fine."

He slid open the compartment door, the two of us quick to let ourselves in and take seats on the bench.

"Why's your hair look like that?" Lee asked, looking between me and Fred as if nodding his head from side to side.

And that left George to gasp loudly, "YOU SHAGGED."

Followed be a Lee's, "FINALLY"

This would take some explaining.


"It's beautiful."

It really was.
It was impressive more than anything.
It's grand walls stood tall, what Fred had pointed out as the Gryffindor tower being one of the highest points.

I was actually starting to wonder whether I wanted to be a Gryffindor or not.
Something told me there would be a lot of steps involved.

"You're gonna love it!" Fred grinned, once again pushing me forwards as if to direct me to the carriages.

"What are those?" I asked, my nose scrunching up as I looked at the patterned black horse-like creatures.
They were gorgeous, unlike anything I'd ever seen before.

"What are what?"

"Those!" I pointed, "those things over there pulling the carriages."

"There's nothing pulling the carriages." Fred ensured me, looking at me as if I was crazy.

"Oh." I shook my head. The things still not going away as I pretended not to notice them, "must have been a trick of the light."

I sat next to Lee on our carriage ride up to the castle, still a little spooked about seeing a horse pulling the carriages when no one else appeared to notice them.

But nonetheless, the scenery was beautiful.
We passed through forests and fields and finally we arrived at the grand gates.
The ones that could be argued both kept intruders out, but people in.

The carriages didn't take us through the gates. Instead we were made to step down from them, lining up at the metal gates and waiting for an older man stood with a quill and sheet of parchment.

He looked like a right miserable sod if I'm honest.

"That's filch!" Fred had said excitedly, rubbing his hands together with a mischievous smile, it could almost be considered evil.

"Wait." I paused, "THE Filch.... As in, Filch the arsehole who took the dungbombs off you?"

"That'd be him." George nodded, "complete wanker. Deserves to be in Azkaban more than Sirius Black."

I rolled my eyes.

"Jordan Lee."

Sighing, all three of us watched as Lee was allowed out of the bitter cold, straight through the gates and up towards the castle.

Cursing at the fact that our last names began with 'W's' we shuffled every time another kid was allowed through the gates.

"Weasley Fred."

Pregnant by a Weasley: FredxreaderWhere stories live. Discover now