Chapter 4- Charlies assistance

Start from the beginning

This information hadn't surprised me either.

"Bet they can't pull half a prank as good as you though." I winked, ignoring the slight blush on his face as I did so.

Though I was starting to like this new side to him. This way of being able to tease him.
Clearly it was working, why not carry on?
A little harmless flirting would never be objected to.

"So Y/N."
Turning my attention from Fred, I looked towards Charlie, who was sitting across from me, his fingers clasped tightly together as he pondered.
"Why was it that you didn't participate in the cup this year?"

"Oh." I shrugged, rather disappointed by the question- it was one I had been wanting to avoid.
"We'll my mum, well, adopted mum, didn't really like me playing. I'll not go into too much detail, it's not interesting."

Clearly taking note that I didn't want to talk about it, Fred was quick to jump in before I got asked too many questions surrounding that.
I shot him a grateful smile with his next statement. "You know Victor Krum, right."

Before I could answer a cry made its way across the table, from the youngest Weasley brother,
"KRUM!!" Ron screamed, his smile widening, "He's not just an athlete, he's an artist! And don't get me started on his abs."

"Ron you haven't even seen his abs."

"I can imagine them!!"

Shaking my head I returned to the subject at hand, "yeah, stayed in touch a little after last years games. He's a pretty good friend."

Dinner continued with a lot of small talk. No more heavy subjects, instead Molly continued to ask her eldest sons about their work and current lives away from the family home.

You could tell that she missed them greatly.
I couldn't imagine being so close to someone for so long, only to have them move so far away.



"That's what she said."

"Honestly George, gain some maturity." Percy rolled his eyes at his brothers remark, looking done with life by the second.

I sniggered under my breath, trying not to get caught by Percy.

The pyramids were a mixture between great and boring.
On minute, I was in complete awe, looking at how they had crafted the pyramid and the history behind them.

Then after five minutes came the fact that we were staring at a great slab of rock.
We couldn't go inside it.
Now that would have been cool.

Noticing Freds towering figure beside me, I tapped him on the shoulder, beckoning him to come closer, allowing me to whisper in his ear,
"Reckon we can trap Percy in one of those?"

A wicked grin formed on his face as he made his way over to Charlie, the one to be most persuaded out of his older brothers, who just might perform a little spell for them.

"How's about we put him on the top instead." Said older brother grinned, pulling his wand from his pocket and twirling it between his fingers.

Pregnant by a Weasley: FredxreaderWhere stories live. Discover now