Chapter 5

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"Your vitals are practically back to normal already. Those herbs and painkillers have been doing you well, haven't they?" The medic smiled up at her as he was examining her wounds, noting how fast her body was actually recovering.

"Just keep up with the physical therapy exercises i showed you for that shoulder. Your range of motion should come back as long as you don't let that joint or muscles lock up."

Vena gave a simple smile and nod, genuinely happy that her body was responding so well to all these new herbs and things she'd never tried before.

She had been a tad skeptical of course, but was thankful nonetheless.

"Well, I'm going to clear you from containment. You can walk around the Inn freely at your discretion, but please- if you don't feel good- REST. But there's no reason to stay cooped up in this room anymore. Go take a stroll around the Inn, or go find a good book to read in the loft, or check out the kitchen. Our chef is extremely talented. I'm sure he wouldn't mind whipping you up something, plus you can watch him while he cooks it. Just listen to your body, it'll let you know if you're pushing it to hard, okay?" The doctor finished, standing to his feet.

"Thank you, for everything." Vena thanked genuinely, very appreciative for all the trouble and work he'd put into helping her recover even though he didn't know her.

Which sure, was his job after all, but his bedside manner and genuine care was apparent, and that was scarce where she'd come from.

"What do I owe you?" She continued, glancing around for her bag.

"Not a single piece of Mora. Please just promise me you'll take care of yourself and know that you will always have a place to stay here at Wangshu Inn- and that goes for your friends as well."

Vena simply nodded again, trying desperately to get used to this world. Everything was so different. People actually cared about eachother and looked after one another. The concept was so foreign. No greed, practically no corruption. She was sure there were horrible people here too, considering she'd been almost killed and she wasn't even sure what for, but she'd already run into many more kind and genuine hearts than she had in her years back home.

This place was nothing if not mesmerizing.


After the doctor had left, Vena made sure to do all her stretches and quickly took a shower, dressing into some casual clothes as she hurriedly grabbed her bag and rushed down to the level where the kitchen was located.

The intoxicating smell filled her nostrils, her mouth instantly beginning to water as she smelled the delicious scent of food cooking, accompanied by all sorts of spices and herbs.

Naturally, her love of all things nature also reflected into cooking, using all the herbs and spices and various other things to cook, and she was eager to learn more of this world's unique cuisine.

Some of the things they used in cooking were similar, so she'd already liked some of the things she tried, but even for some of the different herbs and such, she'd found she liked a lot of them as well.

Well, it had seemed like the mysterious boy on the roof hadn't told anyone he'd seen her out and about, so at least there was that.

The girl let out a sigh again, remembering his words despite trying so hard not to think so negatively of it.

"Here you are, miss! A fresh bowl of Almond Tofu." The chef placed the warm plate down in front of her, yanking her attention away from her thoughts.

"Ah! Thank you! It smells delicious." She smiled at him, quickly clasping her hands together with a small bow of her head.

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