CHP 17 || Kit Wants An Explanation

Start from the beginning

"Because you've been wasting all this time sulking, when you could have done more productive thinking." 

I was already getting up before he could finish, "See you later, Wayu!"

I barely even heard Wayu call out his goodbyes behind me, as I had left the classroom in mere seconds. I practically flew out of my facility, throwing quick smiles at some girls who had stopped me to greet me. It was around mid-afternoon now, and I was sure that Kit would be free.

When I reached the Medical facility, feeling out of breath from all my running, I took a moment to grasp at the wall, trying to catch some air into my lungs. As I stood there, my hand against the pillar and my eyes scanning my surroundings, I saw a guy pass me, his eyes staring me up and down. He seemed to be in a hurry, but he had stopped right in front of me.

"Mark? Mark from Engineering?" He questioned, gazing at me with awe, "What are you doing here?"

I raised my hands into a polite waii, "Sawadee khrup, Phi...?"

He stuck out his hand, grinning, which I took with a kind shake, "Sutep. My name's Sutep."

"It's a pleasure to meet you. I'm actually here for P'Kit? Kamjornkit?"

"Kit? Ah, he's in the library! We've just finished an extremely long lecture and he'd gone there to work on his assignment already. That guy won't give himself a break."

I laughed, "Yeah, I've noticed that about him. I want him to lighten up a little bit maybe, enjoy life while it lasts."

"Right? That's what I've been saying. But he won't listen." Sutep shook his head, "Anyways, I'm surprised to see you here actually- you were the talk of the campus this morning and you still are."

"Oh, from, er, what happened back at my facility?"

"Yeah.. are you okay?"

"I'm fine. It was just, I guess it was in the heat of the moment I just.." I lifted my hand, showing Sutep my bandaid-covered knuckles.

"Ouch.." Sutep grimaced, "Mind if I ask, who was in the wrong?"

"I guess both of us, so there's this girl, whom I.."

"Sutep! Hurry up, man!" A shout tore both our gazes to the side, where another student was waving at Sutep from far away.

Sutep winced, "I'll catch you later, I hope, Mark? I have to go now, my friend will kill me."

I nodded, watching him rush away, "It's alright Phi!"

"You'll find Kit in the library! Probably surrounded with piles of books!" Sutep called back and I laughed out softly at that.

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