Zeke: "on the northern border of Elvaria is a small town called Aucher, there's nothing significant about it besides the fact it's one of the few towns where elves run it." He says remembering in exact details.

Zeke is in the backyard of his home cutting wood with little difficulty but stops when he feels someone tug at his shirt from behind. He looks over his shoulder seeing his eight year old sister making him smile.

Zeke: "hey there little El." He says kneeling down to her level.

Ellen: "Zeke can we go to the market please? I'm hungry." As Zeke happily agrees while stabbing his axe into a tree stump and is walking with her as she's greeting the strangers with a smile.

Present Zeke: "El and I had lost our parents when she was just an infant so it was up to me to care for her but even then... She was such a good lass." He states as past Ellen runs off with Zeke trying to stop her as she bumps into a large man who's wearing a cloak.

Zeke: "I'm so sorry sir, forgive my sister she's-" as the man kneels giving the girl an apple as present Zeke explains that Cedric was only passing through at the time

Cedric: "you're good kiddos." As he ruffles Ellen's hair and stands up as Ellen is stunned.

Ellen: "you're soo tall! Zeke you need to be that tall!" Earning a chuckle of amusement from Cedric as he wishes them both a good day. "He was soo cool!" She exclaims as Zeke smiles softly while lifting her up.

Zeke: "come on you." He says carrying her the rest of the way as he begins getting whatever Ellen asks for.

Present Elyria: "she sounds soo sweet." As present Zeke chuckles saying she was as Zeke and Ellen begin headed home but when they got there they see a bunch of elves there with wild dogs at their side.

Zeke: "get behind me El, what is the meaning of this?" He asks as Ellen gets behind her brother.

Elf: "you're behind on your payment human, can't let you live here if you're not gonna contribute." He says smirking as his men hold the wild dogs back.

Zeke: "what are you talking about? I paid you yesterday Forren." As the one known as Forren scoffs heavily with a chuckle.

Forren: "you were ten phoenix feathers short human, and my spy said he found you buying food for that bratty sister of yours... Never fed my dogs a brat before, can't even begin to imagine the screams." He says lifting a fist up about to snap his fingers but Zeke puts his hands up trying to be peaceful.

Zeke: "please... You can punish me however you wish but leave her out of it, that's all I ask." He begs as Forren thinks for a moment on the fence.

Forren: "time to go on frenzy boys." He states snapping his fingers as his men release the four wild dogs seemingly under his command as Zeke pushes Ellen back as his forearm is gnawed at by one of the dogs but he sees one of the dogs going for Ellen. He grabs the dog by its neck and slams it down. He then grabs the dog bitting him and snaps it's neck easily. He punts a dog's face into a tree having no trouble with the rest but sees Ellen being held captive but Forren.

Zeke: "please... Let her go, she's just a child." He begs as Ellen is shaking uncontrollably as Forren maintains a firm grip on her neck.

Forren: "did your people show mercy to mine when we begged?" He asks rhetorically as Zeke's eyes widen seeing his sister get a knife plunged in the chest and is aside.

Zeke: "El!" He says rushing to her side not caring about the elves seeing tears form in her eyes. "I know it hurts sweet pea but hang in there." He says with desperation as Forren goes to finish him off but his head is suddenly decapitated like butter as war axe slams into the side of the house. The rest of the elves look seeing Cedric who looks more like a demon of hell than a man due to his walk of malicious intent.

Cedric: "you're gonna pay for what you did." He says approaching as one of the elves fearfully exclaims that he's supposed to kill monsters. "Oh I am and they're right in front of me." He retorts holding his palm out as his war axe comes flying back while pulling an elf along. Just as his war axe slams back into his hand Cedric drives his diamond hardened fist against the elf with so much power that he shatters the elf's neck. The other elves attack but Cedric cleaves them all as if they're nothing but bugs on a tree as Cedric grabs the last one by the neck choking him slowly and painfully as he desperately tries squirming but his windpipe is slowly crushed by Cedric's hardened hards.

Zeke: "El?" He asks while feeling for her heartbeat but gets nothing. "No... Don't do this to me sweet pea, El please!" He says bringing her lifeless body against his chest coddling her. Cedric kneels down in front of him sighing at the sight. "You're a huntsman right? There's gotta a spell or something right?" He asks wanting to hear a yes of sorts.

Cedric: "I wish there was a way son, but there's no spell to bring her back the way she was before... I'm sorry." He says with genuine regret as Zeke lets a cry of pain and frustration. Elyria looks at Zeke stunned that her own people committed such a terrible crime for no reason.

Zeke: "after that? I volunteered to be a huntsman as I... I need something worth doing in this cruel world." He says closing his eyes but feels Elyria place both her hands on his back in a comforting manner trailing her fingers gently across his rough back.

Elyria: "I understand, I'm so sorry Zeke." She states while placing her head against his back.

Zeke: "thank you... I know that doesn't excuse my poor behavior towards you but... I'm sorry." He says while looking over his shoulder.

Elyria: "I can't exactly blame you, for the longest time I didn't trust humans as my father raised me to cautious and after a human killed a good friend of mine? My distrust only grew greater." She states as Zeke turns to her asking about her relationship with Lexington. "Well... It took a bit but I did grow to trust him, you and him are actually not that different." She says with a smile as Zeke rolls his eyes finding the statement to be ridiculous.

Zeke: "right... But I promise I'll try to not bother you anymore Elyria." As Elyria nods with appreciation. "heh... I just realize Lex calls you El, you look like what my sister would've looked like had she grown up." He says as Elyria appreciates the compliment. "I'll uh leave you be, good day." He says taking his leave but sees Cedric leaning against the wall with a smile. "Ohhh fuck me."

Cedric: "I'm proud of you kid but you still got a long way to go." He says hitting Zeke in the chest who recoils severely from it. "Oh uh... Sorry." He apologizes with a nervous smile not meaning to hurt him.

Age Of Huntsman: The Hunter's Call (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now