32: Doubts

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1078 AP (after phoenix)

It is currently storming heavily as the Storm Moon Fire season has finally passed and now Storm Moon Lightning is in full effect meaning more rain and thunderstorms. Dante is currently seated across Sigurd who looks more uneasy than usual.

Dante: "you can talk to me Wolfson, what's on your mind?" He asks as Sigurd uncrosses his arms and looks Dante's way.

Sigurd: "it's just... Some students were turned into those... Things, I can't help but think of the chances that... Lyra and the others would be hollow snags without a hint of a soul." He says looking out the window seeing the rain drip across the window as his eyes follow a particular drip of rain.

Dante: "Simon says you coming to warn him and Crowe was vital and a big part of the students surviving." He says trying to get Sigurd to see the bright side of things.

Sigurd: "maybe... But I can't help but question why those snags or Leafyn existed. I'm not religious by any means but if the gods like Aiglia or Úlfuris exists? Then they're cruel beings allowing something like that exist." He says as Dante acknowledges the statement finding it to be an interesting development.

Dante: "are you bothered because of that or cause princess Lyra was at risk?" As Sigurd turns approaching with malicious intent. "It's not my intention to offend you but if that's the case? Why not accept them?" He asks curiously as Sigurd paces around the room clearly uncomfortable with the question.

Sigurd: "cause I'm both a royal bastard, a shapeshifter, and the half brother of someone she previously loved... It'd be wrong to... Accept my feelings as natural, I do care for her but there's so much wrong with me that I'd be doing more harm than good acting on my... Feelings." He says shifting into a wolf and looks at Dante. "Would anyone in their right mind accept this as..." He tries asking but is unable to finish and shifts back into a human.

Dante: "your father did didn't he?" He asks standing up as Sigurd looks away.

Sigurd: "right and look where that got him, I've always had a theory my uncle on my mother's side may of hated the idea of a human being with her so... He had my father and brother killed."

Dante: "your mother ever speak of him?" As Sigurd shifts back into human form.

Sigurd: "very rarely, I only know he's probably much older than you, shapeshifters do have improved lifespans." He says as Dante touches his shoulder fatherly like.

Dante: "I was in your position once, young and in love I couldn't help myself around her." As Sigurd furrows his brows but remains silent. "But I chose this over her as I thought it would be for the best... Then I realized how lonely being a headmaster is, I'm stuck on this Island at all times... Would've been nice to have someone here to support me... Zachariah and many other headmasters had that, a wife to keep them going... You're young but don't hesitate if you know your feelings aren't just blind sexual attraction." He advised as Sigurd nods saying he'll keep it in mind. "Good, you may leave." He says as Sigurd does so.

Somewhere else in the academy Zeke is training with the morningstar whip in an open area really pushing himself far beyond his usual training regime.

Alec: "I appreciate your moxie kid but Roxy should be here overlooking your training." He says with Zeke wrapping the chain around his wrists. "You're tense, this about what happened during Survival Training?" He asks standing next to him as Zeke pinches the bridge of his nose.

Zeke: "it's not about the Snags or the Leafyn and the dream it tried tempting me with, it's about that demon." He says as Alec motions him to continue as that wasn't what he was expecting. "Lex and I did what we could but... It just shook off everything we threw at it, and it punched through my defenses both easily and convincingly... My arms are still shaking from it." He says showing him as Alec waits for him to finish. "My point is... How am I supposed to be strong enough to fight something like that?" He asks as Alec gets in front of him.

Age Of Huntsman: The Hunter's Call (Book 1)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon