14: Family Matters

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1078 AP (after phoenix)

Lexington is currently in the middle of a fight with Aiden who's clearly gotten better in terms of swordsmanship. Aiden tries knocking Lexington off his feet but Lexington counters by taking control of Aiden's sword hand and headbutts right on the nose and takes him down while placing his practice sword against Aiden's neck.

Lexington: "you're improving at a fast rate, slow down will ya?" He asks while offering his hand as Aiden accepts his help.

Aiden: "sorry, once I get the hang of something I just run away with it plus it's kinda fun using a sword... More complicated than using my limbs." He says as Lexington doesn't doubt it when he sees Lexi talking to their dad.

Lexington: "so... Say you had a sibling and met them for the first time, how would you get to know them?" He asks quietly to Aiden who thinks about this.

Aiden: "hmm I don't know Lex, you may be siblings but in reality? You're nothing but complete strangers who've recently learned they're siblings." As Lexington agrees with that but he still feels as though he should make an attempt. He decides to approach them as he supposes there's no harm in trying.

Lexington: "hey Lexi." He greets as Lexi acknowledges his presence. "I was wondering if we could try getting to know each other." He suggests as Simon motions them to leave which they do and are walking together.

Lexi: "what do you want Lex?" She asks getting to the point as Lexington places his words carefully.

Lexington: "so... What was it like being raised by them?" He asks as Lexi stops in her tracks and looks at Lex.

Lexi: "excuse me?" She asks confused as Lexington repeats what he said. "I know what you said Lex, I'm just trying to figure out why you're asking." She says as Lexington can tell she's a bit moody.

Lexington: "I mean... I wasn't raised by them, you were so I'm just-"

Lexi: "you're asking if I had an easy upbringing? Short answer no." She says looking towards the ocean as Lexington stands next to her. "Most of my childhood was them being overprotective to the point I couldn't walk around without them being with me." She says shaking her head as Lexington isn't sure what to say.

Lexington: "but you're a Huntress now right? So they allowed you to grow up eventually." As Lexi scoffs muttering the words grow up.

Lexi: "is that how you see it? They're afraid of letting me grow up Lex, thanks to what happened to you all those years ago... Why do you think dad trained me to be a Huntress? So that I could protect myself but even then?" She asks while Lexington can see the look of anger and disappointment in her eyes. "they'll never let me go." She says while looking at him.

Lexington: "so... Why do you avoid me as much as you can?" He asks as Lexi sighs quietly.

Lexi: "what do you want me to say to that Lex? I avoid you cause you... You're a stranger who I'm supposed to treat as family despite me not knowing you." She says being honest as Lexington looks down. "I'm sorry you had to live the life you had but... I simply don't feel attached to you like mom or dad do." She says walking away as Lexington sits down contemplating everything Lexi said.

Lexington (mind): "she makes valid points, if the roles where reversed I probably wouldn't feel that attached either." He thinks to himself when he feels someone ruffle his hair and sees Alec sit next to him.

Alec: "I'm guessing your talk with Lexi didn't go well?" He asks as Lexington nods. "All I can suggest is that you try getting to know her but not by force." He suggests as Lexington sighs knowing that's the best way.

Age Of Huntsman: The Hunter's Call (Book 1)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें