39: Wolf King

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1078 AP (after phoenix)

Sigurd slowly wakes up finding a sleeping Lyra on his chest as he gently places her head on the pillow as she groans a bit.

Lyra: "oh don't leave." She groans out and wakes up smiling. "You look well rested." She says as Sigurd kisses her sweetly whilst caressing her cheek.

Sigurd: "so don't you." He says sitting on the edge of the bed as Lyra crawls up to him and caresses his back. "I'll have to leave and I really don't want to." He says looking in her beautiful amber eyes.

Lyra: "it's okay Sig, you have your responsibilities and I have mine." She says kissing him passionately which he gladly returns but separate getting dressed. "Just be careful as you can be alright?" She says holding his hands as they're on the balcony overlooking the city.

Sigurd: "like I said, my word is stronger than my bite though it ain't that bad." He says smirking as Lyra shakes her head with embarrassment as they share a long passionate kiss as it's the last one they'll have in a long time as Sigurd gropes her rear as she moans slightly.

Lyra: "goodbye Sig." She says letting him go as Sigurd winks at her and jumps off the balcony and shifts into an eagle and flies off whilst screeching as an eagle would as Lyra sighs seeing him fly off. "Okay Queen of Aelton, time to get to work." She says putting on her crown.
*Many hours pass.* In northern Newcastle at the beaches are Jon Ursa, Sigrid Stormfall and Lars Maston.

Jon: "why are we here you bastard? Cause we're not ending our war if that's what you're thinking." He says as their guards stand ready in case of anything.

Sigrid: "I'm with Ursa on this, your claim to throne after my uncle's death is suspicious and this war does not help your claim." She says rather sharply as Lars leans forward.

Lars: "someone needs to claim the throne." He says as Sigrid sharply scoffs.

Sigrid: "and that someone is you? we don't need another war with Aelton on our hands, especially given the news of this Demon war." As Jon chimes in.

Jon: "and I find it suspicious you don't seem that concerned." He says as Lars scoffs hearing this.

Lars: "think carefully before placing an accusation, let's end this war on good terms, I'll become king and you two will be exempt from all charges." He says as they both scoff unimpressed as they hear an eagle shrieking but ignore it.

Sigrid: "that's a complete joke of terms, we don't want you as King Lars, we want someone who's next in line." She says as the eagle lands in the middle and shifts into Sigurd who stares Lars right in the eyes. "I think we found him." She says smiling as Sigurd looks over smiling. "Cousin!" She says with joy hugging him which he returns.

Sigurd: "hey Sigi." He says lifting her up as Jon gets out of his seat.

Jon: "Sigurd... What are you doing here?" He asks as Sigurd was accused of murdering his father and brother.

Sigurd: "I came to tell the truth... I know who killed my father and brother." He says as Jon motions him to speak. "Lord Maston was the one who murdered them, he hired a shapeshifter then placed the blame on me... Then sent assassins when I fled to Aelton, here's your proof." He says handing a letter as Jon looks through it as doesn't Sigrid.

Sigrid: "it's his handwriting, how'd you get this?" She directs to Sigurd who keeps his eyes on Lars.

Sigurd: "the Queen of Aelton spies were more than happy to share this with me and another thing, the Queen of Aelton legitimized me... Making me the rightful King of Newcastle." He says as Lars gets out of his seat.

Lars: "you hear this? The Queen of Aelton legitimizing a bastard? It's clear to me he's nothing more than a puppet." He says getting in his face as Sigurd stays calm.

Sigurd: "I'm not her puppet, with this Demon war we need to stand together... And you're wasting time trying to gain the throne for yourself." As they stare each other down as Lars is slightly taller.

Lars: "tell that Aeltonian whore that if she wants Newcastle? She'll have to take it." As Sigurd snaps headbutting him and soon pounces on him as sabertooth tiger roaring in his face as Lars' guards try getting involved but Jon and Sigrid prevent this as Sigurd continues roaring letting out his anger.

Sigurd: "don't ever call her that again, you wanna die for the idea that you deserve to be king then fine but don't be surprised when I rip out your throat." He says getting off as Lars and his men get on their horses.

Lars: "I'll make sure to finish the job, then I'll rape that fuckin whore of yours." He says riding off as Sigurd scowls at this.

Sigrid: "Sigurd for as long as I knew you, you never once wanted to be king, what happened?" She asks as Sigurd sighs thinking of all the good times on Griffin Island.

Sigurd: "responsibility happened but I need to know, will you accept me as your King?" He asks as they both smile and stabs their swords into the sand kneeling.

Sigrid: "there's no one else we'd want more Sigurd, you're the true Wolf King, the only Wolf King." She says as Sigurd looks at Jon.

Jon: "son I knew your father for the longest time, there is no greater option than you... We believe in you King Sigurd, to get us through these dark times." He says as Sigurd motions for them stand which they do.

Sigurd: "that's... Good to hear, let's win this war." He says as they move to the horses.

Sigrid: "so... You fuck the Queen of Aelton your grace?" She asks jokingly as Sigurd shifts into a wolf.

Sigurd: "last night actually." He retorts as Sigrid almost falls off her horse as Jon laughs seeing this. "Let's not focus on that, lead the way." He says as they take the lead as Sigurd follows them and glances at the beautiful Newcastle land feeling he's home and lets out a long proud howl

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