26: Bygones

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1078 AP (after phoenix)

Elyria is currently in Volmir's cave finishing up on Lex's weapon tightening the serpent pummel.

Volmir: "you seem distracted sharp-ear." He says hammering away at a chain like weapon.

Elyria: "I'll be fine, this is probably a stupid question but how do you deal with knowing you disappointed a parent?" She asks as Volmir looks over seeing that she legitimately wants some advice.

Volmir: "if I can be honest? It happened and it's done, sure they may be disappointed but they'll still care cause that's what parents are supposed to do... But it's also up to you to understand that you're not perfect from mistakes no matter how small or big." He says as Elyria smiles somewhat and nods in appreciation. "You finally done with her?" He asks examining the blade.

Elyria: "not a fan?" She asks not exactly worried as it's what Lex wants that matters to her.

Volmir: "she'll serve your friend well if he can handle her." He says putting the blade into a sheath handing it to Elyria. "Go on you're done for today." As Elyria nods in respect and take her leave.

Elyria (mind): "I hope he likes it, why am I doubting myself? Of course he'll like it, I followed his extract instructions." She thinks to herself but bumps into Lyra and her father as she's intimidated by Samuel's presence immediately kneeling. "I..." She says trying to come up with something to say but is tapped on the shoulder.

Lyra: "it's okay Elyria you can stand." She says as Elyria does so reluctantly. "Father this is Elyria of the Wolf tribe, a good friend I've made during my time here." She says with respect and praise as Samuel examines Elyria closely.

Samuel: "it's good to make your acquaintance, if my daughter vouches for you then I suppose I got nothing to worry about, move along." He says stoically as Elyria takes her leave.

Lyra: "was that necessary? There was no need to intimidate her."

Samuel: "I wasn't... Ugh." He says with frustration. "I'm just staying cautious, the last elf I nearly trusted tried killing me."

Lyra: "after you called for him to be arrested for a crime we don't know if he committed." She says challenging her father for the right reasons but the two aren't in the mood for arguing. Elyria is looking around for Lexington eventually finding him resting his head on Ryris who's resting as well.

Elyria: "enjoying yourselves?" She asks smiling as Ryris and Lexington look in her direction. "Mind if I join you?" She asks as Lexington nods while Elyria sits next to him.

Lexington: "um I was actually meaning to talk with you." He says as Elyria looks his way waiting for him to continue. "So when you mentioned the oath breaker thing, it seemed like it bothered you heavily." He says as Elyria sighs while looking down.

Elyria: "you know my father was a member of the royal family's personal guard when they were alive... He values staying true to oaths and loyalty... Things I betrayed when I left, he wasn't exactly happy with me."

Lexington: "your relationship with your father seems tense." He points out as Elyria nods saying he's correct for thinking that.

Elyria: "he's never been the easiest to get along with, it was hard to please him with anything... Wasn't even that proud when I made my first hunt and kill, sometimes I question if he does love me and doesn't know how to show it or... He's just not that attached." She says as Lexington touches her shoulder reassuringly.

Lexington: "I'm certain he does, he cares enough to warn you about humans." He says jokingly as Elyria chuckles somewhat. "But personally? I think it's a good thing you're making decisions based on what you believe, not off some oath." He says as Elyria smiles slightly.

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