31: Reaper's Harvest

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Lexington and the others stare at the Demon Yerzan as it drops down making small crater beneath it's feet as it cracks it's neck.

Yerzan: "thanks for dealing with that Leafyn, a pain in the ass even for most Demons... So who's first?" He asks as Lexington uses his lightning speed to charge going for a thrust but Yerzan sidesteps and grabs onto Lex's wrists as Lex is surprised he managed to get out of the way as Yerzan smirks slightly. "I guess you die first." He says attempting to punch his head off but some earth gets between them. "Earth magic... Always annoying." He says looking over at Zeke who's hands are on the ground.

Yerzan charges towards him with insane speed as Zeke could barely blink it Aiden gets in the way catching Yerzan's fist as everyone is surprised.

Yerzan: "sorry kid not interested." He says grabbing something Aiden by his neck and throws him across the ground as Zeke whips his morningstar at Yerzan which does send him back. "Ah the morningstar, must be a disciple of Roxanne I'm guessing." He says when a black steel tipped arrow pierces his cheek as he growls and lunges towards Elyria but Lyra intercepts this by stabbing her spear into his forearm but she and Elyria are grabbed by their necks. Elyria quickly uses her spectral clone magic to send a clone and kicks Yerzan in the face as he throws them into Aiden.

Lexington: "what are you doing here!?" He asks trying to stall for time as Yerzan scoffs hearing this.

Yerzan: "to kill the two bitches and that shapeshifter, where is he?" He asks as Lexington and Zeke stay silent as Aiden heard this as well and stands before Elyria and Lyra protecting them. "Hmph so be it, 2/3 will do." He says charging Lexington as Zeke makes an earth wall which Yerzan crashes into it. Lexington uses his speed to slash past Yerzan and goes in for another attack but Yerzan sensing him punches him in the chest as Lexington gasps for air feeling like his chest is caved in.

Yerzan turns his attention to Zeke and goes to punch but Zeke turns his skin to steel which tanks the punch but the steel cracks from it.

Zeke (mind): "what the hell? How strong are these things?" He asks himself as his arms shudder somewhat.

Yerzan: "lay down child and I'll let you live... Be smart about this." He says as Zeke twirls his weapon building momentum. "You got heart but you're an idiot." He says but is struck by lightning as Lexington is holding his chest in pain with his finger has steam leaving it. "You dumb bastard!" He says but is whacked in the face by Zeke's morningstar whip.

Lexington gets to his feet still shaken but charges Yerzan and splashes his face with water as Yerzan stares in annoyance and tries punching him but Lexington avoids this getting behind him and charges up a shot of lightning as Yerzan realizes what he's trying to do. Yerzan quickly turns hitting Lexington in the arm breaking it as Lexington yells out in pain.

Zeke: "Lex!" But Yerzan punches him again as this shatters Zeke's steel overlay and sends him back flying against the wall of the crater.

Yerzan: "only last words?" He asks as Lexington grips Tempest tightly while growling. "Oh please you're one arm down and you know you couldn't best me with two arms."

Lexington: "I know." He says charging lightning through Tempest and sends an underhanded upwards slash which connects with Yerzan's eye as it hurts like hell. "Come on punk, is that all?" He asks taunting the Demon who smirks at this.

Yerzan: "not quite!" He says charging him as Lexington readies himself but Crowe appears before him swinging Death's Omen as Yerzan backs away recognizing the danger as Simon lands next to Crowe as Lexington looks at him in relief.

Lexington: "father... I tried." As Simon turns to him and touches his head.

Simon: "I know you did and I'm proud of you but rest Lex, time a professional handle this." He says turning to Yerzan as Crowe guides Lexington to others and does what he can to heal his arm.

Age Of Huntsman: The Hunter's Call (Book 1)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin