"Well, no, but-"

"So why are you so insistent that you stay with Subaru-kun? Your knowledge is not affected by your presence, and you would not have to risk angering a candidate if you would just train with Julius. What is your reason for being soooo stubborn?" Roswaal asked. He didn't seem confused. Instead, he looked amused.

"When you put it like that, it's kind of hard to argue, but-"

"No buts! My logic is not flawed, so it is your mindset that is in the wrong. Am I not right?"

Being interrupted too many times was irritating you. "First off, stop interrupting me! Second, your reasoning may be good, but you can't just discard my opinions without hearing them!"

"Ah, is that soooo?" He really was seeming to look more and more amused, as if he was arguing with a dumb child.

"Of course! My reason for staying with Subaru is so that I can make a better future! If I stay with him, I can prevent a lot of bad things from happening!"

Roswaal wagged his finger in your face.

"As I said earlier, whether you are with him or not will not affect the knowledge that you give Subaru. Your physical abilities will not make a difference, so why not train with a knight who can help you improve your combat skills and your maaaagic?"

Before you can continue to argue, Emilia came up from behind Roswaal. "(Y/N), would you go if I asked you? Would you listen to me? Because there doesn't seem to be a lot of that recently..."

You want to tell her that you will listen, but you just don't like the fact that this was Roswaal's plan. You still have no solid reason to stay, other than the fact that you want to actively help Subaru and Rem. Roswaal's reasoning did sound good, but you just didn't want to agree with him.

"(Y/N)..." Emilia looked at you with pleading eyes, wanting you to go along with Roswaal's arrangements. "Please. I don't want them to hate me even more, so please just go."

Seeing the hopelessness in her eyes, you almost kick yourself with frustration. Refusing to go now would mean crushing her spirits and get her even more depressed. Even though you tried to help her understand Subaru's feelings, her still child-like mind couldn't fully comprehend his feelings. That, and Subaru genuinely acted like a jerk to her, and probably said some things he shouldn't have. 

That being said, you begrudgingly reply, "Ok Emilia. I'll go, so don't worry."

Her face lightened up slightly. "Thank you," she whispered.

"Noooow," said Roswaal. "Why don't you make your preparations? Their carriage should be arriving sooooon."

Without acknowledging him, you walk back into the lodging.

"What did Roswaal-sama want?" inquired a curious Rem.

"Well, it turns out that I'm going to be going to the Hoshin residence to train with Julius, the knight."

Rem narrowed her eyes. "The knight who beat up Subaru-kun?" You could feel the wrath emanating from her, so you try to calm her down.

"Don't hate on him too much. He was just trying to help Subaru, just in a unique way." You didn't mention that it was also Subaru's fault, but it was something that didn't need to be said.

She huffs. "That doesn't mean that I'll completely forgive him. Did you not see how Subaru's face looked?"

Well, you've actually killed him before, so I wouldn't be talking if I were you.

You just shrug your shoulders, and head to where Subaru is sleeping. "Let me say a few things to Subaru before I leave. This time, please don't eavesdrop."

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