"Yeah me too. I bumped into him when I left the toilet and he just stood there staring at me. I was going to go back to work and then he told me to stop. All of a sudden he grabbed me and pulled me towards him, I was so scared I kind of froze and he just started sniffing me. It was so weird. Then he started growling and he looked so angry. What does that mean?"

"I have no idea. Look at the bright side, it doesn't sound like they suspect anything."

"Did you not listen to what I just said, he was growling and looked pissed off! I think that means they suspect something." Cami snapped, slamming her hands down on the dashboard.

"Look." I said softly, trying to soothe her. "This is not bad news. He sounded pissed off about something else, not his...missing cousin. If he suspected something, you wouldn't be here."

"When is this nightmare going to end?"

"This is just the beginning-"


I threw Cami a dirty look. "Shut up. Like I said this is just the beginning, things will be difficult for us now but as time goes on it'll get better. We just have to wait this out. I know it's hard and you're scared, I'm scared too. I'm fucking terrified about what could happen but we can do this."

"You're right, I'm sorry."

"It's fine, we're going to be fine."


"Hey, Jackson. I need your help with something." I said as I sat down on the uncomfortable chair, putting my bag on the floor and pulling out a notebook.

"What's up, Nala?" Jackson asked, looking up from his laptop with his dark eyebrows raised.

After the incident at Costa with the Alpha and Beta, Cami took some time off. She called in sick for a few days and swapped her shifts. She then told her manager about taking some time off for a holiday, her manager refused as it was short notice and she had missed a few days already. She then handed in her notice and left. Now if anyone looked into why Cami suddenly left it would be because a 17-year-old girl wanted to take time off to go abroad on her break from college, nothing suspicious about that.

Things were quiet, nothing happened after the incident but there was something about the way the Alpha acted that I couldn't let go.

"So, you know you have a thing for werewolves right?" I started off, causing Jackson to narrow his dark blue eyes at me.

"You make it sound like some weird fetish. It's not a fetish, I'm curious about their world."

I raised my hands up in mock surrender. "I know. Probably shouldn't have worded it like that but I have some questions about werewolves and you're the only person I know who knows so much about them. Please will you help me?"

Jackson shrugged and closed his laptop. "Okay what questions?"

I lifted up my notebook and showed him. "I have a list. Okay so say like I bumped into a random werewolf and he started to sniff me, what does that mean?"

"That you need to take a shower?"

"Urgh you're such an annoying little shit. I need to know the answers to these questions, its important."

Jackson frowned. "Are you okay Nala?"

"I'm fine." I sighed. "Sorry, haven't had my daily dose of caffeine yet."

"You sure?" Jackson probed, not looking convinced.

"Yep. Anyways back to the question, what does that mean?"

"As you're already aware werewolves have a better sense of smell than we do, so if he was sniffing you he probably smelt something that you couldn't smell."

"That's it? What if he said something like it's an 'interesting scent'? And asked if I had been around other werewolves?" I knew it was just more than him just smelling Cami.

"He could have smelt someone else's scent on you. Werewolves don't go around sniffing us, there's only a couple of reasons why out scent could be 'interesting' to them. Obviously you know about mates, maybe he thought you were his mate?"

"Mates? What's that got to do with scents?" I asked confused.

"Werewolf studies is compulsory in schools, how do you not know this?"

"I didn't see the point in learning about it, it's not like we got a GCSE at the end for it. I put my time into actual GCSE subjects." I defended myself while Jackson shook his head. "Anyways, tell me more about mates and scents."

"You can google-"

"Just tell me, it's more easier."

"Werewolves find their mates by smell or touch. It could be a possibility that you were near someone who is his mate and he was trying to find out if the scent was yours. You clearly were not his mate or else you wouldn't be here, you would be with him."

"I guess that makes sense." I muttered, it would explain why the Alpha asked if Cami had been around other female werewolves. He could smell his mate on her but that didn't explain why he would be mad about humans. Unless his mate was a human and he didn't want that?

"The other reason is babies."

I stared at Jackson. "What?"

"Werewolves can scent a baby as soon as the baby is conceived."


A/N: I hope you guys liked the chapter and are enjoying the story so far.

Let me know what you think is going to happen next!

Thank you to everyone who reads, comments and votes. I really appreciate your support!

-Kayy xx

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