Ricky started laughing "I don't have feelings for anyone, but please tell me who earned that spot in your opinion." He raised an eyebrow "You really have no idea. It's obviously Nini." His eyes widened in shock. "No, how did you even get that idea? Nini is my client, nothing more and nothing less." Big red rolled his eyes "Sure. If anyone else would do the things Nini did you would freak out, but with her its fine. I can't even do those things without you ripping my head off. When you realize that you do like her you know where to find me."


A month has passed since Ricky and Nini first meet. They were currently in his office talking about the final touches for her debut ep. "So that was the last point Nini." He said with a smile on his face. That was fake though, he loves spending time with her. Ever since Big red said that he likes Nini its all Ricky has been thinking about. Was he right? He hasn't had feeling for anyone since his ex-girlfriend 5 years ago.

"I hope you have a good day Mr. Bowen." "I think we're past that. It's Ricky for you."

She just smiled in return, before walking out of his office. Ok, so maybe his best friend was right. The curly haired men walked down the hall to the red heads office. "Come in. Oh its you." Big red smiled "What's up? Please don't tell me you have even more work for me." Ricky started laughing "No, I actually wanted to talk about something you said a few weeks ago."

The men stared at him in disbelieve "You finally figured out you like her." He started scratching his head "Yeah, that sounds about right."

Big red stood up and put a hand on his shoulder. "So, what are you going to do?" He shrug his shoulders "I haven't really thought about that. Obviously, it wouldn't be good if she is signed to us and I start something. Plus who knows if she'll say yes." "Well that is something I can't help you with."


"Kourtney stop" Nini whined. Her best friend was dragging her somewhere she had no desire to go to. "Nini stop whining and get your ass into that building."

A few hours earlier the two of them were hanging at her apartment. She had just recently moved out after her debut ep blew up. "What movie should we watch?" The brunette asked while scrolling through some messages. "How about one called Who are you texting?"

She rolled her eyes "Very funny and you could have just asked. I'm texting the boss of my record label. You know the guy who signed me." The curly haired women nodded "Yep, he's cute you have to admit that." She started laughing "I know where this is going and hell are you wrong."

She raised an eyebrow "Why are you texting him at 8 pm on a Saturday then?"

She did not have an answer to that, because there was no. "Well, we are friends." That wasn't a lie although she hoped they could be so much more.

"Neens, we both know that that might be true. But you still like him as more than a friend." Nini blushed "No. You are wrong." "Sure, then why are you blushing." She looked at the ground "Maybe I do like him a bit." Kourtney pulled her into a hug "And we are sad because?" A sob escaped the women's eyes "Because even if he likes me too, I would have to choose between my career and him. He would never let me give up my dream."

She rubbed her hand up and down her best friends back. "It'll be ok, but if you don't tell him you'll never know if there might be a different way." The brunette shook her head "No way you're getting me to talk to him."

That's how she found herself in front of Ricky's office. At 8.30pm on a Saturday. She knew he was working, but deep down she hoped he wouldn't be. Nini took a deep breath before knocking. "Come in" Ricky asked a bit confused. Who would be here at this time of the week? He smiled when he saw the brunette, he was so familiar with walk through the door. "Nini" He stood up to hug her. "It's good to see you." She smiled "Yeah." She was acting off he thought to himself.

"What's wrong?" The curly haired boy asked while ducking down to look into her eyes. She had turned her head away though. "Nini, did I do something wrong?" The thought alone terrified him. "No, you didn't. So, calm down" A bit of laughter was mixed into her words. "Then why are you acting different?" "You noticed?" He smiled "Of course I did. I care about you, so do you want to tell me? Just forget I'm Mr. Bowen for a minute and see me as your friend Ricky." Nini nodded her head "I have to tell you something." He motioned for her to continue.

She took a deep breath before just spitting it out. "I like you Ricky." She was glad to have finally told him, but now she had to be worried about his reaction.

Ricky didn't say anything he just took her hand into his and rubbed her knuckles.

„Ricky?" She finally asked. "Mhh" he was still holding her hand. "Why aren't you saying anything?" His head shot up at her words "Nini I like you too, but we can't be together." She nodded her head "I know. Maybe one day."

With that she walked out of his office. Or well she tried.

"Nini stop" He had grabbed her wrist. "What Ricky? It hurts me to look at you and know I'll never get to call you mine. So just let me go." Without hesitation he cupped her face and pressed his lips to hers. The brunette pushed the curly haired boy away though. "Ricky we can't." He shook his head "We just can't get caught." That was enough for her to jump into his arms and kiss him.

I get my ideas at very random times of the day. So here is a oneshot at an insane hour for most people who read this.

Anyways do y'all want a part 2 or this good enough for y'all? I have a few ideas but I could also write a different oneshot with them. It's up to y'all

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