Chapter 33

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"We got so much done. Tate just loaded up the last of it so he should be along soon." Jàime says as she puts her keys on the counter.

"That's good." I say then I yawn.

"How did it go?" Jàime asks as she sits down at the counter.

"Tate helped me before he went back to help load up but still, I didn't think it was gonna be this tiring taking care of two kids." I say. I hear EJ fussing on my phone.

"Be right back." I say. I go up the stairs and into my room. I give EJ his binkie then I check on Izzy. She's fast asleep still. I start to walk down the stairs then I hear EJ fussing again. I go back into my room and give him his binkie once again but he spits it out so I pick him up and go downstairs with him so he doesn't wake Izzy.

"I think maybe he's hungry again." I say to Jàime as I hold him and walk over to make a bottle for him.

When it's done, I grab the bottle and then put the top on one handed. I put the bottle in EJ's mouth, I hold him and feed him while Jàime and I talk.

"I caught Tate playing barbies with Izzy, but don't tell him I told you." I say with a chuckle. Jàime laughs.

"Where is Izzy?" Jàime asks.

"In bed, sleeping. Something tells me she is going to be the easy one." I say with a joking smirk.

"The older ones sometimes are." Jàime chuckles.

"Just gonna take some time to get used to. I'm sure the first week will be the hardest part." I say.

"Yeah, but you got this. I'm gonna go shower, do you need anything before I do?" Jàime asks.

I shake my head no and smile at her. After she leaves I finish feeding EJ, I check my phone to check on Izzy again, she is still asleep. I burp EJ then I hold him but he starts to fuss again. So I put him on my shoulder and walk around, slightly bouncing him as I pat his back and try to see if he has another burp. He doesn't burp and he still fusses.

"What's wrong?" I ask as I turn my face to look at EJ. He fusses some more.

"Not like you can tell me, huh?" I ask him. He scrunches up his face then starts to cry. I walk around bouncing him but he doesn't settle. I start humming the tune to don't worry baby by The Beach Boys and EJ quiets down but fusses when I stop.

"That's what you want? Me to sing to you?" I ask him softly as I lay him down in my arms and look at him. He puts his hands up to his chest and stares at me, whining as he does so I start singing and he quiets down.

"But she looks in my eyes and makes me realize. And she says, don't worry, baby, Don't worry, baby, Don't worry, baby.. everything will turn out alright." I sing as I bounce him in my arms, he starts fussing again.

I'm so lost in trying to keep EJ quiet I don't even know Kaden and Dane are standing in the doorway of the living room watching me. EJ starts fussing louder.

"Okay, okay. Another song, right. Which song though?" I ask him. I bounce him and start walking around the living room again.

"It's a little bit funny, this feeling inside. I'm not one of those who can easily hide. I don't have much money, but boy if I did I'd buy a big house where we both could live. If I was a sculptor, but then again, no. Or a man who makes potions in a traveling show, I know it's not much, but it's the best I can do, my gift is my song, and this one's for you. And you can tell everybody this is your song. It may be quite simple, but now that it's done, I hope you don't mind, I hope you don't mind that I put down in words, how wonderful life is while you're in the world." I sing. As I do EJ falls asleep finally.

Path Of Shadows: The AwakeningTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang