Chapter 23

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Damien comes inside then we all sit down. Jàime and Gemini sit on the left of Damien and I, Tate is to my right sitting next to Kaitlyn, Kaden and Dane sit across from Damien and I. It's a square table but there is a lot of space. We scoop food on our plates then we all sit and talk while we eat. Kaden is talking about the club and how they're revamping it up. As Kaden talks I suddenly feel a hand on my upper thigh startling me, making me nearly choke on my drink. My knee hits the table. Everyone looks at me.

"Sorry. Foot got caught on the chair." I say with a dry throat. Everyone goes back to talking. Damien looks at me and grins devilishly his hand still on my upper thigh. I don't dare speak on it. He moves his hand further up and moves it in between my legs. My heart is racing.

"You good, Gemma?" Tate asks me.

"Yeah. Must be all the martinis I drank." I say shakily.

Damien grabs me making me hit the table with my elbow because I was trying to raise my hand to tuck a loose hair behind my ear. I quickly put my elbow up on the table and try to make it seem like I missed the table. I look at Jàime who is talking about how her, Tate and Gemini want to take a trip for a vacation. I am trying not to react to the things Damien is doing but it's hard. Especially when he is making me more sensitive with each touch. I bite my bottom lip slowly, hard trying to distract myself with pain then I release my lip.

"So what is it you do?" Tate asks Damien. Damien continues to tease me as he talks.

"Well, I basically am the go to guy for a deal, contracts. I don't do the dirty work anymore my clients do that for me. I'm in charge of making the deals. It's not something I like to do. But it's the family business so." Damien says. Kaden and Dane know something is up because they're looking at Damien like they want to kill him.

"That's gotta suck. So what kinds of deals do people make?" Tate asks. I sip my drink and crunch on an ice cube trying to cool myself down. Damien gives me a side eye and a smirk as if there is some unspoken inside joke about ice crunches. I blush then I notice Kaden and Dane looking at me.

"The usual. Money, fame, credibility, love, revenge, their souls. Can make a deal for anything." Damien says. The whole time no one even knows what is going on, Kaden and Dane are suspicious. Damien rubs me hard making me gasp. He smirks at me.
I shove a fork of cranberries in my mouth and let out a little moan trying to hide what he's doing to me by making the noise with food in my mouth.

"You sure you're okay." Gemini asks me with a chuckle.

"Mmhm. Good." I say as I point to my food with a fork. Trying to act as if it's the food that is what is so good.

Damien suddenly stops. Making me wonder what he is trying to do. A few minutes pass. Everyone is still talking.

"So what have you been up to, Gemma?" Dane asks me pulling my attention to him.

As I go to answer him Damien grabs me again.

"Uh, I-I, just stuff." I say.

"What kind of stuff?" Kaden asks me.

"Wor-Working." I say as I clear my throat, Damien rubs me making my breath catch as I try to talk.

"Where?" Dane asks.

"Um, a new place down by the docks." I say. Damien presses on me hard and I unintentionally put my head back. I reach up and grab my neck then move my head around. Kaden and Dane stare at me.

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