Chapter 16

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"We gotta talk." Nathan says as he walks inside.

"How do you even know where I live?" I ask him.

"Kaden and Dane. I ran into them at the coffee shop and they told me you moved and where to." Nathan says.

"Can you put a sweater or something on? I feel really uncomfortable right now. You're basically naked." Nathan says. I grab Tate's hoodie that is hanging by the door and throw it on.

"Well, since you're already in my house.. Come sit down and I'll make some coffee." I say as I walk towards the kitchen. Nathan follows me and sits down on a stool at the island counter.

"That's okay. Water will do, I can't stay long." Nathan says as he looks into the living room to see Jàime and Gemini sitting there watching the movie. Tate walks into the front door and kicks his boots off. He walks out into the kitchen and grabs a beer out of the fridge. He notices Nathan sitting there watching him.

"Oh, Can I get you a beer?" Tate asks.

"No thanks. I just came to discuss a few things with Gemma." Nathan says. Tate takes the hint.

"Oh, I'll leave you guys to it then." Tate says then he walks into the living room and sits down in the chair nearest to where I was sitting.

"So, what do you want, Nathan?" I ask.

"Don't be like that. You know I have no say over what happens when it comes to Izzy. I'm sorry, but Lizzie is the one who makes the decisions when it comes to her. You have to understand that." Nathan says.

"Oh, I do. I understand you're afraid to stand up to Lizzie." I say.

"You don't have kids yet, so you won't understand. That isn't why I came here. I didn't come to argue with you." Nathan says.

"Then why are you here?" I ask as I set his glass of water down on the counter.

"I was thinking about what you told me and I don't know why you're sitting around watching movies with your friends when you should be, I don't know, Training, maybe figuring out what to do about William." Nathan says.

"What do you want me to do? I don't know if he even is who I am targeting. Training isn't going to help anything, I wouldn't even know how to force him out, even if I did, what if I'm not stronger than he is?" I ask.

"The way I see it, if it is him, you have two options, either sit around and wait or bring the fight to him. You are stronger than him." Nathan says.

"How do you know that I am? I don't even know that and I told you to promise me you wouldn't bring that up." I say.

"And I told you I can't promise that. I know you are stronger because I have seen what you can do. You made him flee, which isn't something William has ever done. As for that other thing, did you tell them yet?" Nathan asks as he nods towards the living room.

"No, I didn't. They don't need to know anything and you need to watch what you say, Tate can hear you if he is listening." I say.

"He's probably not even listening but fine, I won't say any more, only if you agree to tell them before it's too late." Nathan says.

"Fine. I'll tell them after thanksgiving, okay. Let me just get through the holidays and I will tell them." I say.

"You also should reach out to Lizzy, she thinks you don't want her, or us to come for dinner anymore. And if this is the last-" Nathan starts to say but I cut him off.

"I'll call her. Okay. But you all are still welcome to come by." I say.

"Make sure you do. You and I need to figure things out so we can work out the kinks." Nathan says as he stands up. He walks over to the door and I follow behind him. I open the front door and he steps outside.

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