Chapter 22

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I never would have thought that Damien had a wife. It does explain why he was reluctant in getting involved with me and wanted to keep things purely business. I guess that is best for both of us to keep things where they are instead of going further or defining the agreement we have when it comes to a relationship. What is going on with Kaden and Dane right now has put things into perspective for me. The fact that Damien and I haven't really had sex and are safe but what if we had of had sex and weren't safe. What if I were the one in Kaitlyn's shoes? At least I'd know who my child belonged to.
The thought makes me angry but all these thoughts kind of make me feel bad for Kaden and Dane that they're going through this and she actually is pregnant. I guess that is what they get for what they did.

Why am I even saying that? I shouldn't even feel this way. After all they were people I cared about, possibly loved even. Not to mention if I'm going to try to be friendly with Kaden and Dane for Jàime I can't let my emotions get the better of me. I probably should go back home and talk to Jàime at least. Damien is leaving to do what he does. Work as he calls it. I tell him I'm going home, he says he will be over to my place after work and we can train on Earth. I transmit home hoping Jàime is home. I don't know what her work schedule even is like anymore.

I am in my kitchen, I don't see anyone so I peek out front. No cars. I need to detox from Kaden and Dane, I decide to send that email to Bradford letting him know I'm putting in my two weeks notice and I sent in two weeks worth of work so I won't even really have to bother with it then I go lay on the couch and catch up on sleep while I wait for Jàime to get home.

I hear the front door open and it wakes me up. I get up and go into the kitchen to see Jàime putting her stuff on the counter. She immediately runs over and hugs me.

"I'm so sorry, Gem." She says.

"Sorry for what?" I ask.

"That whole thing with Kaden. You shouldn't have found out that way." Jàime says.

"It's fine. I'm fine." I say. She looks at me like she doesn't believe me.

"We need to talk." I say.

"Yeah, we do. Let me just change quick then we will have some coffee and talk. Can you put coffee on?" Jàime asks as she kicks her shoes off.

"Yeah." I say. She heads upstairs as I get the coffee going. A few minutes later she comes down stairs.

"What are you wearing?" Jàime asks me.

"Oh, Damien's clothes." I say.

"Why?" Jàime asks. I pour her coffee, pour myself some then I bring both cups and sit down in the living room. Jàime follows behind me.

"So what bad news, good news, just regular news do you have for me?" I ask changing the subject.

"Kaden and Dane are a fucking mess, they lost three of their pack members. The shit with Kaitlyn, not to mention Vanessa is dead, Lyle is suspicious that you had something to do with it." Jàime says.

"I'm sorry. That's gotta be tough to see them that way. As for Vanessa, I had nothing to do with that. I was in Hell." I say.

"Since you've been gone it has just gotten worse, Kaden and Dane have gotten worse, literally everything has gotten worse." Jàime says.

"I'm sorry, but Kaden and Dane both made their own choices." I say.

"Kaden was doing what he was doing because of Lyle. Lyle apparently told Kaden and Dane both that they had a week to leave you alone completely and to find a bride or he was coming after you. He feels threatened by you, now with what happened to Vanessa he isn't going to ease up." Jàime says.

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