Chapter 20

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"I'm going over there. Just stay here. I will be right back." I say.

"If something were to happen and I just stayed here then I'd never forgive myself." Dane says as he stands up. I grab my keys.

Dane follows behind me and we climb into my Jeep. I start the Jeep and back out of the drive way. I don't know what is going on with Kaden and honestly at this point I am so angry I don't even want an explanation. Not that I would even get one but if he were to try, I wouldn't hear it anyways. On the short ride over, I just get more mad. I try to stay calm, I tell myself even though I am mad maybe I should give him the chance to explain but my anger drowns out all of my logic. I pull in the drive way of Kaden and Dane's house.

"You don't have to come in, you can stay in the car." I say as I grab the door handle of my Jeep door and the bag of money.

"Fat chance in hell." Dane says as he opens his door.

I climb out of the jeep and walk up to the front steps. My heart, pounding like a hammer in my chest. Not knowing what is going to happen, Dane and I walk in, I follow closely behind him.

"I told you to leave for the night." Kaden says to Dane.

I don't think Kaden saw me or realized I was with Dane because when Dane steps to the side Kaden has a shocked look on his face when he sees me.

"You brought her here?! What the fuck Dane?!" Kaden shouts at to Dane.

"You think I was going to be able to stop her?" Dane asks.

"You did that shit on purpose, you told her, that is pathetic." Kaden says.

"Why are you being like this?" I ask Kaden angrily.

"Because he can. By the way, get the memo, you lose." Vanessa says cockily.

"Did I, really? Tell me, what exactly are you and botox bitch Barbie doing here?" I ask her.

She goes to talk but I put my hand up shushing her. She can't speak.

"Actually, I don't care." I say.

"You have no business showing up here." Kaden says. I scoff.

Dane gives me a look as if he is warning me to not get Kaden going so I decide I'm not going to bicker with Kaden, for Dane, and I change the subject.

"I didn't come here to bicker." I say.

"Why did you come here? To get a look at my bride?" Kaden asks.

"Your bride?" I ask confused.

"Dane didn't tell you? Shocking. Vanessa and I are getting married. Uniting the Lycans." Kaden says. I start to get choked up but I fight it.

"Thought she was a Vampire, how is she even hanging around your pack?" I ask.

"I was, but now that I triggered my Lycan side, I'm no longer a vampire." Vanessa says. I scoff.

"Good luck with that." I say.

"What's that?" Kaden asks as he points to the bag in my hand. I toss it at his feet.

"Your money back. Now you have no reason to come back into my life." I say.

"Gemma, We should go." Dane says.

"I'm done here anyways." I say as I go to walk past Kaden. He grabs my arm as I do.

"Kaden." Dane warns.

"Don't come back." Kaden says to me.

"Didn't plan on it." I say.

"And you, stay, we have things to discuss." Kaden says to Dane.

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