Chapter 14

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The next morning I wake up Kaden and Dane are not in bed with me. I stretch then use the bathroom before I head downstairs, grabbing my phone off of my end table as I walk to my door. I walk down the stairs and everyone is still asleep. No sign of Kaden or Dane.

"Morning." Gemini says as she crawls out of bed.

"Have you seen Kaden and Dane?" I ask her.

"Saw them leave this morning. I think they left a note." Gemini says as she walks over to me and grabs a paper off the counter.

"Yup, here." She says as she starts to read it. I grab it from her before she reads it. Who knows what Kaden and Dane said.

"That's weird. Why didn't they just text me?" I ask confused.

"Izzy?" Gemini asks as I go to open the note and read it.

'Gemma, had to take care of a few things. Go see Izzy today and we will call you later. -Kaden and Dane'

"Our sister." I say.

"Do you want to meet her? And Nathan? I mean I'd have to introduce you to Lizzie and Nathan first before it's a definite yes but do you want to?" I ask her.

"I'm not good with kids." Gemini says. I laugh.

"I'm not." Gemini says.

"I'm laughing because I said the same thing. Izzy isn't like other kids though. She's a chill kid." I say.

"Either that or stay here with Jàime and Tate so they can hassle you over how drunk you were last night." I say.

"On second thought, I'll be ready in five minutes." Gemini says as she runs up the stairs to my room. I laugh.

While she gets ready I pull out my phone and text Dane.

Me- You could have let me know you were leaving.

Dane- We left a note. Didn't you get it?

Me- Yeah but I mean, you could have woke me up.

Dane- You looked so peaceful. We didn't want to disturb you.

Me- Where did you have to go in such a hurry?

Dane- Told you. We had things to take care of.

Me- What things?

Dane- Just things. Don't worry about it. :) Ttyl.

Me- Dane.. what things?

"So, you ready?" Gemini asks. I lock my phone and set it on the counter.

"Yeah, just gotta throw some clothes on and grab my keys." I say as I jog up the stairs.

I get in my room and get dressed. I throw on some black jean shorts with my studded belt, a bra, an old t-shirt. I put Kaden's hoodie back on that I slept in last night. It smells like him. I stop and breathe in deeply as I pull his hoodie over my head. I pull it on completely then I go to the bathroom to throw on some make-up. I finish then I head back downstairs to Gemini who is now on my phone.

"What are you doing with my phone?" I ask her. She laughs.

"What did you do?" I ask her as I walk over and grab my phone from her.

"Oh.. just pretending to be you and messing with your men." Gemini says. I get a nervous twinge in my stomach.

"What did you say?" I ask her as I open my messages. I read through quickly to see what she said but I don't see anything.

"Ha-ha! Got ya! You should have seen your face!" Gemini says jokingly as she sits up on the counter.

I can't help but feel annoyed.

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