Chapter 19

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Jàime sits there quietly as she flips through the movies on Netflix I watch her scroll through them.

"So you're not gonna ask me about him?" I ask her.

"Ask about who?" Jàime asks calmly.

"Damien." I say confused. Jàime shrugs.

"You aren't curious, even a little?" I ask.

"That's the Damien who brought you back, isn't it?" Jàime asks.

"Yes." I say.

"You did what you had to, to come back. It's not my business what that price is." Jàime says as she looks through the list of movies.

"You are strangely calm right now." I say. Jàime drops her hand with the remote onto her lap and looks at me.

"What do you want me to do? Get mad, yell over something that's already done? I can't change what is done. No point in getting mad over it. You're here. No one else gets that chance, I'm just glad you're alive, Gemma. I don't dare question it." Jàime says. I sit there quietly and feel bad. She goes back to scrolling through the movies.

"Is it just me or does he kind of look like.." Jàime starts to say but I cut her off.

"How about that movie? Wait, go back up." I say as I see her scroll by a movie.

"This one?" Jàime asks as she puts the highlighted box over an anime.

"No, go up one more." I say.

"To all the boys?" Jàime asks.

"Yeah. Let's watch that." I say.

"Okay." Jàime says as she selects it. Before she hits play I speak up.

"He looks like Kaden and Dane." I say.

"It's creepy. Could I at least ask, who he is?" Jàime asks me.

"He-he is one of the Princes of Darkness, he says. The son of Satan, Lucifer, what ever it is we call the devil now days." I say.

"So, he isn't the reaper? He is who your deal is with? The son of the devil himself?" Jàime asks shocked.

"I wasn't expecting it to be the devil's son who I would be making a deal with, but I guess it makes sense, nothing good can come of making a deal for your soul." I say.

"Soul? He owns your soul?" Jàime asks almost with fear in her voice for me.

"I don't think he will actually keep my soul. I get the impression he wants to be rid of me as soon as possible. Holding my soul seems like I'd just be near him and he wants to be as far away from me as possible." I say.

"See this is why I didn't ask. I knew it would be some shit like that." Jàime says. We both sit there silently.

"So.. are you attracted to him?" Jàime asks.

"Where did that even come from?" I ask Jàime.

"He looks like Kaden and Dane, Gemma." Jàime says.

"Yeah I know. So, what's your point.." I say annoyed.

"So, you think he's attractive then." Jàime says.

"What? No. He is bossy, and rude, and kinda.. evil. His face has nothing to do with it, his personality is, I don't know, his personality doesn't mesh well with mine. I mean, I guess he is attractive, yes but his personality is a huge turn off. And to be honest, he's rude and mean. I don't really like him. But I have to deal with him." I say.

"But you did have a sex dream about him, didn't you?" Jàime asks.

"What? No. Why would you think that?" I lie, trying not to act suspicious.

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