🥀Chapter 11🥀

Start from the beginning

If Poppy was actually right then we had in our midst one of the world's most influential persons and that in itself is putting it lightly.

The Al-Thanis weren't just influential in Qatar but quite literally were the top dogs of the whole freaking world. I mean with Qatar being the richest country in the world it's really not suprising names like the Al-Thanis were pretty well known. There is literally no other that comes close to the power this family in itself yields as they have pretty much been ruling Qatar since the 19th century.

They were so badass that they literally had no competition for power apart from within themselves and even with that it was a well known fact that they are in-fact in a league of their own giving anyone else a run for their money.

Just imagine, a country that deals with natural resources such as oil and gas with an income you can only dream of and then imagine that said income went straight into the hands of a single family line, that means that they had the money alot of countrys could only dream of and could end world hunger and poverty as a whole if they felt like it. The Al-Thani family is a legend that in all honestly created the word elites with their family member all holding top notch positions and power struggle existing only within their family tree since no one outside they're dynasty would even dare come close to having a taste of the power they yield.

To put things lightly, there is literally no organization in the whole of Qatar that doesn't have at least one member of the Al-Thani family as a member of their board of directors and trustees so to put things more vividly the Al-Thani clan were a bunch of rich motherfuckers that could share their wealth around the world twice and still have more than enough to keep their generations to come rich and relevant.

They were the richest humans to ever exist and they made damn sure everyone knew it not because they had to talk about it, but because they let their money do all the talking.

I mean nothing says rich like being the ruling royal family of freaking Qatar in any case.

"Fucking shit" I breathed still processing this bit of information.

"Fucking shit is right" Rose nodded her agreement, "moving on Alexander's mother a mixed Russian-american beauty got pregnant by his father back in the day and had him much to the anger of his entire family since its common knowledge foreigners aren't looked upon too kindly in the Al-Thani family.

Their distaste grew so much that they attempted to murder his mum in cold blood which fueled a lot of family drama so in a bid to protect both his lover and child his father sent them off to America once Alexander turned three and he has been living here ever since. "

"Although he hasn't been to his homeland in years he pretty much has a shit load of cash and influence and had been in close contact with his father until his assasination about three years ago. "

I nodded knowing full well about his father's asssanination that had sparked a lot of media and world wide outrage. It had been a major frenzy at the time but no one was able to bring the prepertrator to justice so after an array of investigation the police had ruled it a cold case and hadn't dug it up again afterwards.

"He pretty much changed after that" Poppy sighed pity very evident in her voice, "I mean before the incident Alexander had been closed off but still held his position as an international elite high but once his dad died shit pretty much hit the fan"

"He went ballistic, the littlest things made him flare up and it got so bad he started doing stuff like vandalising, beating the shit out of people and pretty much being a raging ball of flames no one wanted to mess with" this time her voice reduced an octave as she leaned in to whisper to me conspiratedly, "rumour has it he set someone ablaze at some point at had to get committed to a mental facility by his extended family back in Qatar since he's the heir to a shit load of fortune his father left behind. "

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