Chapter 27

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I decided to take the day off and go to the beach. I hadn't done this in so long, and a nice jog on the beach sounded nice. I put on a sports bra, yoga pants, and my running shoes. I was here in Florida for business and had a little bit to myself. I grabbed my phone and plugged my headphones in. I was staying at a hotel not so far from the beach, and figured I could just run back. 

I headed off in the direction of the beach. The song, "A-Team" by Ed Sheeran came on and my thoughts drifted off to Harry. I remember sitting in his room, crying about my mom, and Harry pulling me into his arms. He sung this song to me so softly, calming me down. He was the only one who could ever do that. No matter what was going on in my life, Harry was always there.That was until my father made me move with him to England. He separated me from my love. 

Harry and I met the beginning of senior year. We were just friends of course, but everyone thought we were "destined to be together" as Niall, one of Harry's friends, would tell us. We just shook it off and continued on with our friendship. There was a lot of drama happening with Harry's family, and I was there every step of the way. I really helped him get through everything and he helped me. 

I will never forget the day Harry told me he loved me. It was Zayn's 18th birthday party and we were all drinking. I could tell Harry was pretty drunk, but I didn't say anything. Liam and I were close to our 6 month anniversary and I could see myself with Liam for a long time. Liam helped me get my mind off the developing feelings I was having towards Harry. Liam went to go talk to someone and Harry asked if he could talk to me. I followed him to Zayn's room and Harry confessed his love for me. He told me all the things he loved about me. I felt so bad telling him I didn't love him back, when I really did. I could see how broken he was. 

Later that night, Harry was piss drunk, and Liam kept kissing me in front of him, and so of course, they got into a fight. Harry kicked Liam's ass, and being Liam's girlfriend, I had to side with Liam. After that, their group was split and I realized how much of an asshole Liam was. I decided to follow my heart and tell Harry the truth. When I did, he just kissed me. That kiss was the best kiss I've ever had, even to this day. Harry and I dated for a while, until my father made me move with him. 

When I turned 18, I moved back to the states. I lived in New York and worked as a lawyer for random companies. I was asked to come to Florida with some random company to discuss terms with another random company. I really didn't pay attention to what I was going to be doing, but a free, all expenses paid trip to Florida, was something I couldn't say no to. 

So here I was, running down the beach in Florida. The beach was mostly empty, but I saw someone who looked a lot like Harry, and when I did a double take, I realized it was. I almost stopped to go run up to him, but I saw him pick up another girl and kiss her. My heart dropped. That's what it was like when Harry saw Liam kissing me. I instinctively reached for the paper airplane necklace he had given me. He bought it before I left as a goodbye gift. He used to throw paper airplanes at me, and when we were dating, he used to write love letters on them before throwing them. He told me he saw it and said that I was only a letter away from him. 

Feelings started rushing over me. I couldn't contain them. Tears ran down my face as I started running towards my hotel. People I passed asked if I was okay, but I just ignored them. I walked into the hotel and avoided eye contact with anyone as I made it to my room. I finally made it to my room and turned my laptop on. I googled Harry and found his Facebook page. He had his number on there, and I saved it to my phone. I cried when I saw the picture of his girlfriend Andie and him. She was beautiful. He seemed happy and for some reason that killed me. I loved him, that should be me. 

I started writing letters to my family. I wrote a letter to my mom, thanking her for everything she's done for me. She didn't deserve it, but I felt it was necessary. I wrote one to my dad, telling him that even though he made me move, I loved him. He was one of my favorite people on Earth. I wrote one to my best friend. She was there for me from the very beginning and I loved her so much. I wrote Zayn, Harry, Louis, Liam, and Niall a letter. By the time I looked at the clock, it was almost midnight. 

I pressed call on my phone and someone answered almost immediately. 

"Hello?" A low, husky voice answered. Tears poured down my face.

"Harry?" I asked through tears.

"Yes? May I ask who's calling?" 

"Its Lex." I told him and heard him suck in a breath.

"Lex? Is it really you?" 

"Yes Harry, it is." There was a few seconds of silence before I continued, "I know you have a girlfriend now, so I won't keep you long.... but I just wanted to tell you that I love you and I never gave up on you. I will always love you, and I don't want you to feel like this is your fault." 

"What is my fault?" I stayed quiet. "Lex answer me!" He yelled into the phone. 

"Goodbye Harry. I'll always love you." I said before hanging up the phone. I turned it on Airplane mode and went into the bathroom. I ran a bath, and grabbed razors I carried on me. I skillfully removed the blades from them, a process that I had gotten used to from my childhood. I played "The A-team" and turned it on repeat. I laid down in the bathtub and grabbed the blade. I sliced up each of my wrists as blood oozed out. I laid my head back, tears streaming down my face, blood pouring from my wrists, and just sang quietly to "The A-team".


A/N: Sorry it's been so long since I've written. I've been HELLA busy. That and I wanted to figure out what I wanted to do with the story. I know this chapter was sort of dark, but I wanted you guys to get a taste of what Lex was feeling. Also if you guys are ever feeling suicidal, here's the number to the suicide hotline. They are open 24/7. Please call them if you are ever feeling suicidal. With much love, Joslin 1 (800) 273-8255

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