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a/n: sorry if this update took long, i've been babysitting lately. but my spring break is coming soon, hopefully the end of this week. and then i'll have some more free time to just write and publish. hope y'all are well and keeping safe! hope y'all enjoy this chapter! xo

i present to you...

"lightning, then the thunder"

narrator's pov

today was like any other day; students went to their classes, attended mealtimes, but a certain energy had coated the student body. the entire week, the weather had been rainy and soggy, leaving the students to be naturally drained. the air smelt of rain, the dark gray clouds painted the sky, and the sun was yet to be seen.

it was almost time for her last class of the day, and teachers had warned students of the thunderstorm that could possibly take place that night. "please try your best to avoid going out on the courtyard tonight, if you can. if you need to go out, we ask that you let a professor know first. lightning rates are extremely high lately, and we want to avoid any accidents." she had heard the same warning in almost every class, and it played in her head like a broken record stuck on its player.

walking from the library, deryah dropped the stack of books she cradled in her arms, when a muscular figure bumped into her. looking up, she wasn't surprised to be met with the face of blaise zabini. she rolled her eyes, ready to be attacked, causing her energy to stiffen, automatically making her throw up her guard. "what the hell zabini?!" she groaned at his intentions, dropping to her knees as she tried to gather the scattered books.

snapping out of his trance, he looked back, and saw the girl bending down to pick up the books. he immediately ran over and began to help her. "sorry, i didn't see you there." his actions stunned her, making her look up at him with a confused expression. he hadn't kicked her books, or made any smart remarks. he only helped, making sure that she had gotten all of her books in order. to be honest, deryah wanted to know if the boy was feeling well. it had been a long week since their last interaction or since she has really seen him outside of class, and now he was helping her pick up her books? she wasn't complaining, she just wasn't used to receiving this treatment, especially from him.

standing up from the ground, deryah flattened out her skirt with her hands. blaise was holding her books, waiting for her to get situated. "if you want, i could help you carry these to where you need to go." he assured.

"thank you, but i'll be fine." she replied. she wasn't sure if this was a game of his, or not, but she made sure that she was cautious with her actions.

"alright, well i'm sorry again. i honestly wasn't trying to knock you down or anything." he repeated, hoping that she knew that it truly wasn't his intention.

"it's okay, thank you for helping me pick them up. i'll just take these now." she smiled, reaching forward to grab the large stack of books.

he slowly passed the books to her, holding out his free hand behind the small of her back to make sure she could handle the weight. when she finally held it stably, he opened his mouth to say something, but when he looked her over her shoulder, his jaw clenched, and his welcoming face shifted into a plain one. he sent her a nod, before walking off without another word to be said.

the shift of his gaze didn't go unnoticed by deryah, making her look over her shoulder. she smiled, when she saw draco and pansy strolling towards her. her eyebrows furrowed as she looked back over her shoulder to see that blaise had completely disappeared before she looked back to smile at the group. her smile faltered for a quick second when she noticed lorenzo walking towards them, but she quickly switched her expression back to a cheerful one.

Love, Deryah | Blaise ZabiniWhere stories live. Discover now