2. New college

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Third person pov

Taehyung squinted his eyes and looked through his closet to find proper clothes.

He rubbed the sleep off his eyes, a yawn escaping his lips as he finally picks a plain white shirt and black, slim fit jeans.

He was about to get into the washroom to freshen up when he heard his mom, Ara's soft voice. 

"Tae? You're up. That's good, get ready quickly. I don't want you to get late on your first day of the new college."

He hummed, sleepily and was about to walk away when she spoke up, in a small voice, suddenly sounding anxious.


He turns around and looked at his mother with worried eyes.

"What's wrong?"

"It's your first at your new college. I'm just scared because..." She struggles to form a proper sentence.

Taehyung places his hand on her shoulder softly.

"Tell me what's troubling you, mom."

"There will be a lot of people from cedar pack in your new college so..."

Taehyung grits his teeth. He knows exactly what she is talking about.

Cedar, Rafflesia and Redwood are allied packs. They help each other in tough times and always fight with their enemies together.

Taehyung's family was a part of the Cedar pack but they were thrown out of the pack the day he was born just because he was a moonwolf. And as far as he knows-- the Jeons were the reason that happened.

Ara was worried for him because when the people had refused to accept him even as a baby, why will they accept him now? And what if they hurt him? Taehyung understood her worries so he said,

"Mom, I can take care of myself. So stop worrying, alright?"

They snap their head towards the direction of the door when they heard it open with a squeaking sound.

"If you're worried about him getting hurt then that's just stupid because you know how well he can protect himself.
And I guess you're forgetting why we are joining another college in the first place. He had almost killed a person who had dared to bully me." Jimin says as he enters the room, taking a seat beside his mother and smiling at her.

Taehyung rolls his eyes, scoffing at the memory.

Ara sighs, nodding. She was just worried for her sons but knows it is absolutely stupid to think that her son, Taehyung, cannot protect himself and his brother.

"But atleast promise me that you won't get into a fight-- atleast not on your first day of college. You can surely hit anyone if they trouble you but if the person hasn't done anything then don't dare to hurt them, alright?"

"Yes, mom. I'll make sure he doesn't get into a fight." Jimin says.

"I trust you, Jimin."  Ara nods, smiling widely at her first son, Jimin.

"Now if both of you are done with your talk then can you please leave. I gotta get ready." Taehyung says, rolling his eyes.

I just hope nothing goes wrong. Ara thinks before leaving Taehyung's room along with Jimin.


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